
I am working as a scientific researcher for an MD based out of Los Angeles.

Our team of experts have developed an innovative patent-pending technology that enables a smartphone app to anonymously determine the risk of having sleep apnea by just using a standard pair of ear-buds & microphone.

Currently, we are in public beta phase, and our app is available for free on the app store.

As sleep apnea is a common problem faced by many pilots that requires Special Issuance from the FAA, it would be a great idea for the pilots to have a quick overnight recording with this app. This might better prepare them against any sleep apnea related concerns in future.

Zee Appnea on Apple app store - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zee-appnea/id805091333

Zee Appnea on Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appnea&utm_source=pilotsofamerica&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=android

mHealth, Medical Apps, Medical Software
Los Angeles, CA
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Scientific Researcher for Medical Apps


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