Recent content by furiousphoen1x

  1. F


    Explain how softer landings are going to bite somebody please?
  2. F

    Anyone taken the CFII written lately?

    anybody using anything OTHER than sheppard air is flying against good advice.
  3. F

    Does Flight Training have a Psychological Aspect to it?

    More than you can know. all CFi applicants have to cover the fundamentals of instruction. Basically, how do students learn, why do they learn, and what separates good teachers from terrible ones. A specific example of what you learn by teaching students is all rooted in Defense Mechanisms...
  4. F

    Looking for feedback on aviation weather app for iOS (free copies!)

    That's way better in regards to the wind speed indications!
  5. F

    Leaseback Trainer

    Our flying club is getting off the ground this year and we're looking for an economical vfr/ifr trainer airplane that needs to get flown more.
  6. F

    Looking for feedback on aviation weather app for iOS (free copies!)

    I really don't like the static icons for wind and wind direction. First impression when I open up the local winds is, HOLY CRAP the flag is sticking straight out! Maybe you could have 4 different icons to represent a subset of wind speeds and directions.
  7. F

    CFI Initial - Write up

    Yes Aaron was my instructor. He put me through 10 hours of flying in 2 days. 9 in a mooney J ( :) ) and 1 in his legend cub. He single handedly prepared me for real life training - and made the FSDO ride a breeze. Highly recommend both him and Robert Baker. I spent 3 days down there total.
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    CFI Initial - Write up

    Hey All, I wanted to give my experiences for the CFI-A Initial test. I used the Lubbock FSDO and I did a 3 day intensive training with I used my own mooney, a m20C model for the checkride. I have been practicing with friends (pilots) in the left seat and I have...
  9. F

    Mooney for new Pilot

    Mooneys are great economical airplanes that can slow down as necessary I'm a CFI and like to consider myself a Mooney expert. I'm based out of Lubbock. Send me a PM if you have any questions. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. F

    Pilot Deviation Stinson Field

    Stinson airport has a tendency to do really **** things to pilots in critical phases of flight. One of the very few times I've had to file a NASA report was at Stinson.
  11. F

    Texas Pilots Check In, Please!

    Lubbock Texas (F82) here
  12. F

    Wanted: Your IFR Materials (DVDs/Books)

    Hey all, I'm studying up for my Instrument written. I'm a very visual learner and would like to know if anybody has the King School IFR DVD's for sale. Any other instrument material I will consider as well! Thanks