Recent content by Frank Palmieri

  1. Frank Palmieri

    Ground External Power with G1000

    So if I'm just using my GPU to charge the battery then I would assume that I would need to pull the breakers on the PFD & MFD? And will the GPU charge the standby battery as well as the main? Actually the MFD would need to have the Avionics switches on so that breaker wouldn't need to be pulled.
  2. Frank Palmieri

    ADS-B vs Flight Following

    I saw a Youtube video about ADS-B and the guy claims its a prelude to the government instituting a pay to play program. They will have all the info needed to charge by mile, trip or areas once we upgrade. Seems a little paranoid but it gets you thinking.
  3. Frank Palmieri

    ADS-B for G1000

    The whole ADS-B upgrade is confusing. I have a G1000 182T and wrote to Cessna and Garmin asking for the best options for my situation. Garmin answered back with GTX 345R plus a software upgrade for my G1000. When I asked about the software upgrade they said I need to speak with Cessna. Cessna...
  4. Frank Palmieri

    ADS-B vs Flight Following

    Thanks for the reply. In my area, Long Island NY, it's very rare to be in uncontrolled air space unless you are doing some low flights. If I fly slightly west I'm in bravo and there is charlie and delta all over the place here. If figures the airlines will get a waiver even though they are the...
  5. Frank Palmieri

    ADS-B vs Flight Following

    After 2020 when we are all (or almost all) supposed to be on the ADS-B out system, will that take the place of flight following or VFR flight plans? Since big brother will know who you are where you are and where you go shouldn't that be the same as a flight plan or flight following?
  6. Frank Palmieri

    Ground External Power with G1000

    I don't mean to hack this thread but I have the same problem. I connected my GPU and turned on my master and Avionics switches and my G1000 is indicating a -11.2 draw. Any suggestions? The instructions on the GPU are very lame so I'm not sure I'm doing the proper procedures to use a GPU. I have...