Recent content by FoundSoul

  1. F

    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    She should never have been in that role if she didn't have the balls to tell him to slow up while she made sure things were done right. This shows failure on all sides really.
  2. F

    What is APC UPS Shelf Life (unopened, battery unconnected)

    You can always buy replacement batteries if you ever use them and they're dead. Or, sell them now and buy more when you need em.
  3. F

    my flight

    All I've done so far is a discovery flight once a few years ago. Keep thinking I'd love to fly when life slows down a bit more. My wife might be a little hesitant after a boat accident nearly killed me a few years ago... but...
  4. F

    C150 or C152

    Same. And that stuff appears to be preparing for takeoff... (pun intended)
  5. F

    Hangar as an investment?

    RE: Flocker 50% of the revenue? That's insane. Even 50% of the profits would be criminal, but, well... we already allow that in other areas, so....
  6. F

    A letter from the Southeast United States

    Lol I've done the same, especially in my '65 Mustang which doesn't properly trip the blinker off after a turn all the time ;).