Recent content by FlyTriPacer

  1. FlyTriPacer

    Jack Roush Hard Landing at KOSH

    Re: Jack Roush, NASCAR crashes second plane Being the new guy on the block, I'll try and use some tact here... I don't know all the details, but scuttlebutt is that a plane took-off in front of Roush (I don't know with clearance or not). Possibly (probably) he was instructed by ATC to slow...
  2. FlyTriPacer

    Flying a PA-28-180

    Thought I'd throw my $0.02 in (that's all I've got left after my annual)... I've owned 3 low-wings ('64 Cherokee 160, '46 Ercoupe, '00 Mustang II) and 1 high-wing (my current Shortwing Piper B)). I had the Mustang II when I got married and immediately needed a 4-place (ready-made family). It...