Recent content by FlyLady

  1. F

    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Good job..keep it anywhere but BAZ...we want our cafe' back...and that can't happen until the real fbo has fuel again
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    It seems to me as I said is unfortunate that everyone involved can't sit down discuss things and come to a mutually acceptable conclusion. I fear Mr. Cracker's assumptions may be's time the grub is available at the Cafe' so that we have a reason to fly to BAZ...rather...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Totally second ultrasonix on this one...violence is never the answer...and in our society everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty no matter how the circumstances appear...this means "suspect fuel deliveries", or anything else that one may see or encounter. As always, open and...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Ya know Henning...I think there might just be a place for you in this fair City...what a good SEX scandal might do...after all there are lots of "family" hotels just waiting for all the "family" floaters on the grand Comal River...oh, I forgot that's a whole different calamity going on. Let's...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Hey don't forget to watch for Birdie Wednesday I fly in for breakfast..before the float down the good old Comal. Guess I won't be buying Jet B for my Birdie...heard they had painted the yellow pipes white down at the fuel farm...and marked the pipes as Jet A...sure hope they did...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Interesting and sad you should mention a shoot out. Do you know our City leaders bolted themselves behind closed electronic doors several years ago...yes during the reign of our current had always been a walk in affair...walk in chat with the secretary up front for a minute...then...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Well, well,well...seems as though the City may not be quite so truthful...if I recollect right the fuel issues started in December...1st with the fuel farm...and when that didn't work with the fuel delivery in March...and your telling us they spent 72K in the past 2 years...they wouldn't have...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Great..I'll dip my wings and putter on in looking for the Green and White Birdie. Gosh...I can't wait to meet you guys...and oh...thanks for getting the fuel results published...we all will feel so much safer...oh BTW...last time I was at BAZ I noted some of the fuel lines at the...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    My Birdie is the prettiest little tiger you ever saw...and yes I frequent BAZ..used to be a fun place to go...70s and 80s..even into the early 90s...loved SWRFI..Moonlight Fund airshows in the new millineum...but ah...I digress...I guess at my age a Wednesday float would be better...but I got to...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    Hey..Mr Ultrasonix..have you heard whether there is any overnight hangar space anywhere on the field...sounds like this might be fun for an breakfast with you rabble rousing pilots...all of a Saturday morning...then off to the river for a few hours of floating...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    I guess bollards are too expensive when you spent all your extra slush money on an almost $50,000 tug. Granted its nice...but given the traffic at the airport...was it necessary...have you checked to see if there are any gold plated toilet seats in the terminal...oh don't let that rumor get...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    You know I think your numbers may be a little off...ONLY $425,000..BUT...maybe Noobie can correct us and give us the REAL do you calculate the opportunity cost lost along with Colonial Starcraft...ever wonder who the limited partners were...might be worth a open records...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    OH NOOBIE, you are so naive. Can you say Silver State Helicopters? How about Colonial Starcraft? Even better yet, a near debacle for the NB airport, Wright Flyers...only in the Wright Flyers case, Wright Flyers left before the city could lavish them with money...yes a city board had voted to...
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    City trying to close FBO. Claims tainted fuel

    The city does get money from a fuel flow age fee and a built in airport tax
  15. F

    New Braunfels TX (KBAZ) BBQ

    If you can make it a pilot support group meets every Saturday morning at the clubhouse...Aviator's cafe on the northeast ramp by the Quonset hut, under the Texaco is by donation and conversation lively.