Recent content by Colin 182

  1. Colin 182

    Rental in venice

    Ok. I'll have a look at there rentals. Thanks
  2. Colin 182

    Rental in venice

  3. Colin 182

    Rental in venice

    Hi all, do you know if there is anyone offering aircraft rental out of Venice ? Thanks Colin
  4. Colin 182

    Importing an N reg to the states

    Hi Ben, It was imported to the Uk via Denmark as Denmark had zero tax on new aircraft. Denmark is part of Europe so this allowed me to get the aircraft into the UK without paying 20% tax. This has now changed. In Europe you have the option of keeping an aircraft of an N reg. As long as...
  5. Colin 182

    Importing an N reg to the states

    hi, I own a C182 N reg which I bought from a dealer in the uk. Its always been on the same N reg. I am now considering getting in brought across to Florida as I'm doing more and more flying here, I'm here for about 4 months of the year. My question is will I be due sales tax or any other...
  6. Colin 182

    Flying around Florida

    Hi all, I've hired a C182T for 2 days and want to visit as many airports as possible. Starting at Albert Whitted I'd like to hear your recommendations as to where is best to visit and where maybe to avoid...... Thanks. Going this Friday/ Saturday. Colin
  7. Colin 182

    Share wanted... Venice Sarasota....

    Looking to buy into a Share in the Sarasota/Venice. Any four seater considered. 500hr CPL IR 200 hr plus on C182. Budget flexible, would prefer higher purchase price and lower monthly fixed costs. Would also be delighted to share costs for local flights if that would suit. Thanks...
  8. Colin 182

    My friends 172 is for sale

    ok, Looks like its a really nice plane, but i think 65 is about the right price.... I'll need to wait and see what happens after the auction. thanks colin 182
  9. Colin 182

    My friends 172 is for sale

    Is this plane up for a new auction as it has 1 day 17 hrs at 61K I see there have been no new posts for a few days. It looks good, but am I missing something guys.......... Colin182
  10. Colin 182

    Share wanted

    Hi looking to buy a share/partnership in the venice/Sarasota area. Preferably in a Newish C182 G1000. Would als consider any single with G1000. Thanks Colin
  11. Colin 182

    Flying Club Venice

    Hi, Are there any flying clubs in Venice or Sarasota? I'm keen to fly and would like to find other like minded pilots for trips and fun flying. Sharing costs and flying. So far I have only found a few flying schools who rent but have no club or social flying events. Any pointers or...
  12. Colin 182

    Spin recovery

    Thanks Dan, Exactly what I needed to read. colin182
  13. Colin 182

    Spin recovery

    hi thanks for all your comments..... I have never done any spin training, I really feel its something I must do. I passsed my CPL however the examiner was a bit ****ed that I went for option 1. Said the ONLY correct way of recovery was option 2. I can fully understand the importance of...
  14. Colin 182

    Spin recovery

    Hi, What is the correct way to recover from a spin. 1. Power off, neutralise aileron, full opposite rudder, wait for spin to stop, then push forward on the yoke, climb and add power. 2. Power off, neutralise aileron, full opposite rudder, then immediately push forward on yoke...
  15. Colin 182

    Back to Florida

    Hi John, Your right flying in the UK is expensive, I fly from Perth which is about 40miles north of Edinburgh. Landings there are free if your a member. Next time your over let me know and I'll take you for a flight round the local area. Colin 182