CJones's latest activity

  • CJones
    The books that the 'Pacific' series was based on referenced similar scenarios a few times. Guy shows up in fresh dungarees and less than...
  • CJones
    Re: frequent turnover. The book talks about a replacement who arrived late one afternoon. He had supper in the mess, but didn’t meet...
  • CJones
    CJones reacted to Baked Potato's post in the thread HAPPY PI DAY!! with Haha Haha.
    Similar situation here, with my kid. Can recite π to a much higher precision than he'll ever need, but ask him to help with building a...
  • CJones
    CJones replied to the thread HAPPY PI DAY!!.
    Nice! My 12 y/o got up to the 30-40 digit range I think. Yet he can't remember to turn of the dadgum light when he leaves a room.