Recent content by Brown767

  1. B

    Do you think a bachelors degree will ever become necessary again to become a pilot at the airlines?

    Historically at the airlines, having a four year degree has shown initiative to go above and beyond the minimums. In the last few years with the applicant pools drying up, the degree requirement has started to disappear. They may not make a degree required in the near future, but I would venture...
  2. B

    I got hired !

    I had a briefing prior to flight with skydivers. It went something like this- This is my airplane and the keys stay with me. If you take the keys, this will be your last jump here, I will deadstick this airplane back on the airport and you won’t like what happens when I find you after. Any...
  3. B

    How long will the 747 fly?

    Don’t forget the 757 as well, lots of freight moving around on that airframe. And there’s no 787F version, yet. Rumors abound there may be in the future.