Recent content by Bravo89

  1. B

    Saying hi, and asking educational advice

    Sorry for not having responded for a bit. Work became a bit hectic and time got away from me! Hopefully this thread isn't too dead to revive. You guys have certainly helped me out a lot! Based on what you guys are saying and on what I've read, I'm thinking I may need to do this the college...
  2. B

    Saying hi, and asking educational advice

    Ah, that makes things less concerning. I know I'm still running on old college-search knowledge, where the name of the program meant quite a lot. You aren't licensed to have a physics degree, so there's no "standard" for education, I suppose you could say. But what cgrab said makes a lot of...
  3. B

    Saying hi, and asking educational advice

    Wow, I didn't expect so many replies that quickly. Thanks for chiming in, guys! The military has been suggested a few times. Growing up, military was the only thing I dreamed about. But, long story short, I ended up with a couple of injuries that will keep me out. Nothing that keeps me out...
  4. B

    Saying hi, and asking educational advice

    Hey all! I stumbled across this forum while searching for flight school information, so I thought I would take a second to introduce myself...and ask a question or two. Long story short, I was interested in flying as a kid (messed with simulators, read about mostly military planes, etc), but...