Recent content by apenney

  1. apenney

    Going for IFR, ground school - Sporty's or King?

    I used Gleim for the instrument ground and passed. Its overall not a glamorous presentation but it got the job done for me. Not a good route though, if you prefer learning via a video presentation format; Gleim is mostly outlines and practice tests. They provide the endorsement to sit for the...
  2. apenney

    Lycoming IO360-A1A overhaul cost on a Mooney M20F

    I actually bought it in August. After transition training in California, it took about 11 hours to get it back to Wisconsin. I met the previous Wisconsin owner last week to obtain some of the winter gear that he had held onto. I've got about 50 hours on it now and enjoying it very much.
  3. apenney

    Lycoming IO360-A1A overhaul cost on a Mooney M20F

    Was this F N6995V out of Ladysmith, WI?