Captain Announcement


Final Approach
Mar 12, 2012
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First Officer
Folks, I'm turning over a new leaf. About a month ago I stopped posting while drinking. The past month has been pure sober posts only. Ive noticed a bit of a change and perhaps you have too. The 'Reverse Highspeed' days are left behind.

However, I now embark to make even more change to my posting style. I have, in the past posted what could be construed as belittling statements. This will cease. I respect each and everyone here and you fine folks are the last people I'd wish to offend.

Now, I do have a dry'ish sense of humor and I hope that doesn't get confused with mean spiritedness. Take Mr. Whites post about being a prankster and acting like a non pilot on a discovery flight. I think my posts there would remain unchanged. But it's the intent behind the post that's new. If a post rings of putting down or making another feel bad then I'll refrain (at least I'll try my best).

In this manner I hope to better my contribution to PoA and help make the place more enjoyable for all. Besides, I never win any of my battles here. Even when I win my point I lose perception.

That is all, carry on and ...sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.

: )
Well, good for you. If I held myself to the same standards, I'd only post between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on weekdays, excluding holidays. (And flight time +8 hours of course.)
Well, good for you. If I held myself to the same standards, I'd only post between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on weekdays, excluding holidays. (And flight time +8 hours of course.)

Do you mean that the only time you don't drink is for 8 hours AFTER flying? What a novel approach.
You know of course if you continue to set such a good example the rest of us might knuckle under to the peer pressure. Then there will be poor Henning, alone in an empty forum....... :D

NOTE: (Nothing meant to the detriment of Mr. Hennig's character, it's just that he is another here who speaks his mind and lets the chips fall where they may.)
"Can you hear me,
Can you hear me,
Or am I all alone...."


(Wishing I could get THAT stuck in Scott's head...)
"Can you hear me,
Can you hear me,
Or am I all alone...."


(Wishing I could get THAT stuck in Scott's head...)

That's nothing. I still have Spock (Leonard Nimoy) signing "Bilbo Baggins" in my head.
I'm bringing this up here to let the other thread stay get back on topic.

Look, I'm trying here. I'm not posting mean stuff and I'm trying to be empathetic in my posts. On the USCG thread I make a little joke and two of ya'll take the opportunity to take jabs at me. It's a joke and truly mean responses come back. I don't get it.

To those who view every single thing I post as an opportunity to slam me maybe you could stop. Thank you.
And it shows that you are trying. Thanks.

Now, I'll tell you the same things that I told my girls when they entered their teens.

Sometimes you can do things just for fun that don't seem too bad at the time, but that can give a twist to your reputation or gain you an enemy that follows you long after they should. If it happens, you just have to keep on proving you are not the same silly person who made the original mistake until finally those with a chip on their shoulder become the ones who earn the reputation for being silly.:sad:

Welcome to the Internet.
I'm bringing this up here to let the other thread stay get back on topic.

Look, I'm trying here. I'm not posting mean stuff and I'm trying to be empathetic in my posts. On the USCG thread I make a little joke and two of ya'll take the opportunity to take jabs at me. It's a joke and truly mean responses come back. I don't get it.

To those who view every single thing I post as an opportunity to slam me maybe you could stop. Thank you.

I think they are pickin on ya because you wear a captains hat while swimming in that pool..:yikes::D:wink2:...

Jus kiddin.:yesnod:
I think he was getting his hopes up about the Coast Guard and you unintentionally scared him for a minute that it wasn't possible.
Aunt Peggy: Thanks

Ben: possibly : )

MassPilot: you may be right. Not sure how he missed that it was a joke though. The punch line was right there with a smiley. As prior Navy that was a pretty common CG joke.
Look, I'm trying here. I'm not posting mean stuff and I'm trying to be empathetic in my posts. On the USCG thread I make a little joke and two of ya'll take the opportunity to take jabs at me. It's a joke and truly mean responses come back. I don't get it.
Perhaps your past behavior has left some folks on a hair trigger to jump you. I suspect you'll have to ignore those jabs and/or make it extremely clear when you're posting in jest for a while.

To those who view every single thing I post as an opportunity to slam me maybe you could stop. Thank you.
Good luck getting others to be nicer :D
MassPilot: you may be right. Not sure how he missed that it was a joke though. The punch line was right there with a smiley. As prior Navy that was a pretty common CG joke.

I think the kid is likely 4'11" with stature issues to begin with...:rofl:
Captain: thanks, appreciated! :thumbsup:

CapHenning: don't ever stop being the you we so love. :D
Captain, I haven't taken offence to anything you have said. You always address the elephant in the room and have valid points. Keep on keepin' on.
I'm bringing this up here to let the other thread stay get back on topic.

Look, I'm trying here. I'm not posting mean stuff and I'm trying to be empathetic in my posts. On the USCG thread I make a little joke and two of ya'll take the opportunity to take jabs at me. It's a joke and truly mean responses come back. I don't get it.

To those who view every single thing I post as an opportunity to slam me maybe you could stop. Thank you.

Will you be wanting some cheese with that whine?
Will you be wanting some cheese with that whine?

It's all about inertia. Once you develop enough in the right direction it won't be so hard. :)
MassPilot: you may be right. Not sure how he missed that it was a joke though. The punch line was right there with a smiley. As prior Navy that was a pretty common CG joke.

I thought it was funny. But I guess the take away is "Don't tell costie jokes"?

Kinda like Newfoundlander jokes. "What's black and blue and floats in the bay? A main lander that told a Newfie joke."

But I also find it funny when the Captain's announcement to the teeming masses in the back includes wind direction / speed (in knots) and the cloud information for the destination. They tourist in seat 23F ain't gonna be landing the airplane, and doesn't have a clue as to why it might be important.
Captain, you are rapidly becoming one of the more interesting contributors to this site. however, announcing that you are making the attempt to stop posting while you are loaded, or heading that direction, is probably setting yourself up for failure in actually accomplishing that.

In other words, if you simply make a pact with yourself, rather than going public, to stop indulging in certain behaviors while drinking, such as going on line, or calling friends and family, or whatever you are doing that makes you less than proud when your sober, you might, in time, find yourself not drinking as often as you now are.

Booze is an insidious drug in that it sets you up for failure. You do embarrassing or stupid things while your on it, then you remember the embarrassing and stupid things you did when your off it. So you medicate yourself with the drug, so you can forget the stupid crap you did while you were on it.

It is like a dog chasing its own tail, you get nowhere. If you didn't do stupid things, you probably wouldn't need a drink. If you wern't such a failure, you probably wouldn't need a drink, would you?

So....if nobody knows you failed in your effort to not post while your drinking, it stands to reason that your not a fallure, you just had a minor personal setback, so you won't need a drink to medicate yourself.

They say you should never drink alone, to me, that's ridicules. If you never get drunk in public, you never will feel embarrassed to the point you need a drink to forget what you did the night before. Drink as much as you want in public, but never get drunk in public.

Your not an alcoholic, so why are you setting yourself up to become one? Keep your attempts to yourself until you know you can do it for sure.

Okay, this thread is becoming way too Kumbaya.
Captain, you are rapidly becoming one of the more interesting contributors to this site. however, announcing that you are making the attempt to stop posting while you are loaded, or heading that direction, is probably setting yourself up for failure in actually accomplishing that.

In other words, if you simply make a pact with yourself, rather than going public, to stop indulging in certain behaviors while drinking, such as going on line, or calling friends and family, or whatever you are doing that makes you less than proud when your sober, you might, in time, find yourself not drinking as often as you now are.

Booze is an insidious drug in that it sets you up for failure. You do embarrassing or stupid things while your on it, then you remember the embarrassing and stupid things you did when your off it. So you medicate yourself with the drug, so you can forget the stupid crap you did while you were on it.

It is like a dog chasing its own tail, you get nowhere. If you didn't do stupid things, you probably wouldn't need a drink. If you wern't such a failure, you probably wouldn't need a drink, would you?

So....if nobody knows you failed in your effort to not post while your drinking, it stands to reason that your not a fallure, you just had a minor personal setback, so you won't need a drink to medicate yourself.

They say you should never drink alone, to me, that's ridicules. If you never get drunk in public, you never will feel embarrassed to the point you need a drink to forget what you did the night before. Drink as much as you want in public, but never get drunk in public.

Your not an alcoholic, so why are you setting yourself up to become one? Keep your attempts to yourself until you know you can do it for sure.

Good advice..... All of it... But the highlighted part made me laugh. I don't drink anymore, and haven't had a drop in at least 5 or more years. But when I was in the Navy, that wasn't the case. In 1989, I was engaged. My fiancee lived in Louisville. I was on the way home from a 3 month sightseeing tour of the Arctic Circle, and we stopped in Halifax, NS. Walking down the sidewalk, after drinking too much, I spotted a pay phone.

I decided that it was a good time to call my fiancee, collect. I didn't have sense enough to know it at the time, but she was ticked. The call ended with, "Well, Honey, I have to go. Sean just puked on the sidewalk," when the shipmate with me threw up on his shoes.

It wasn't long after that I was no longer engaged..... :dunno:
Captain, you are rapidly becoming one of the more interesting contributors to this site. however, announcing that you are making the attempt to stop posting while you are loaded, or heading that direction, is probably setting yourself up for failure in actually accomplishing that.

In other words, if you simply make a pact with yourself, rather than going public, to stop indulging in certain behaviors while drinking, such as going on line, or calling friends and family, or whatever you are doing that makes you less than proud when your sober, you might, in time, find yourself not drinking as often as you now are.

Booze is an insidious drug in that it sets you up for failure. You do embarrassing or stupid things while your on it, then you remember the embarrassing and stupid things you did when your off it. So you medicate yourself with the drug, so you can forget the stupid crap you did while you were on it.

It is like a dog chasing its own tail, you get nowhere. If you didn't do stupid things, you probably wouldn't need a drink. If you wern't such a failure, you probably wouldn't need a drink, would you?

So....if nobody knows you failed in your effort to not post while your drinking, it stands to reason that your not a fallure, you just had a minor personal setback, so you won't need a drink to medicate yourself.

They say you should never drink alone, to me, that's ridicules. If you never get drunk in public, you never will feel embarrassed to the point you need a drink to forget what you did the night before. Drink as much as you want in public, but never get drunk in public.

Your not an alcoholic, so why are you setting yourself up to become one? Keep your attempts to yourself until you know you can do it for sure.


Thank you for taking the time to post that. You obviously put some thought into it. Also, don't think I missed post #6.

What I didn't say before is that not only did I stop posting while drinking, I also stopped doing anything while drinking. Today actually marks 5 weeks without a drink. I'm not saying I have a problem or that I'm an alcoholic...I may have a drink tomorrow or next week. But for today, right now I feel pretty good and I don't think drinking would improve that much.

I will say this, if you go back and read that 'reverse highspeed' thread and look at the times youll find some posts of mine where I was pretty hammered. Alcohol never made a liar of any man and in principle I stand behind my major points of that thread. But alcohol takes away all ability to see another's point of view, and my posts were severely lacking in that area.

Anyway, I'm glad some here view me as a contributer and not just a troll.

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Anyway, I'm glad some here view me as a contributor and not just a troll.


Yep, you've graduated to 'Contributing Troll'....:rofl::rofl:;)

I've only managed 'arrogant and conceited' so far today, I gotta step up my game...
Yep, you've graduated to 'Contributing Troll'....:rofl::rofl:;)

I've only managed 'arrogant and conceited' so far today, I gotta step up my game...

Okay, that's funny right there...I don't care who ya are.
Captain, I was being a wise ass in my post #6, trying to lighten the load a little.

What I'm really trying to tell you is to stop taking yourself so seriously, the only person who cares if you make a fool of yourself, is you. Your just like all of us, except that we know that we are screw ups part of the time, we're not satisfied with that, but we accept it as part of our humanity, so we don't worry about it.

You gotta work toward the same acceptance of yourself, stop beating yourself up for drinking or whatever else you think you are doing "wrong".

Good job on the five weeks. Since you are not an alcoholic, you should have no problem stopping for another five weeks if you decide to have a few, unless of course, you've bought into the stupidity that your an alcoholic...your not.

What I didn't say before is that not only did I stop posting while drinking, I also stopped doing anything while drinking. Today actually marks 5 weeks without a drink. I'm not saying I have a problem or that I'm an alcoholic...I may have a drink tomorrow or next week. But for today, right now I feel pretty good and I don't think drinking would improve that much.
Well, congratulations. The first time I quit drinking, it was when my (then) wife became pregnant with my daughter. I thought, "I guess it's time for me to be responsible," and I just quit. Never looked back. Well, until divorce, then I was a drunk for a good year.... After that, I settled down to where it was the occasional drink with dinner, maybe 5-6 times a year. But then I quit again, and haven't gone back. It's just that I don't need it to have fun, so why bother? Saves money, too! ;)
Booze is an insidious drug in that it sets you up for failure. You do embarrassing or stupid things while your on it, then you remember the embarrassing and stupid things you did when your off it. So you medicate yourself with the drug, so you can forget the stupid crap you did while you were on it.

I'll never forget my dad telling me in high school during a discussion about drinking and showing off or driving or (insert other stupid item here) and getting caught by the cops for it versus getting home safe to tell the tale another day....

He said "The times when you most feel like showing off are the times when you least need to be doing it." That stuck with me and I remember it often. It must have worked since I have no police record beyond a few traffic tickets and I know for damn sure I should still be rotting in jail for the stuff I pulled in high school and college.
I know for damn sure I should still be rotting in jail for the stuff I pulled in high school and college.

Yeah, it's a REALLY good thing that YouTube wasn't around in the late 70's & early 80's when I was in high school & college!
Yeah, it's a REALLY good thing that YouTube wasn't around in the late 70's & early 80's when I was in high school & college!

NONE of my friends would have been stupid enough to put the stuff we did on video much less post it to the world, WTF, we learned about 'evidence' in 8th grade civics.:rofl:
NONE of my friends would have been stupid enough to put the stuff we did on video much less post it to the world, WTF, we learned about 'evidence' in 8th grade civics.:rofl:

They replaced Civics with Green Indoctrination. Hadn't you heard? :)
I think Captain was drinking when he posted that. But then again, I probably was too.

. . . however, announcing that you are making the attempt to stop posting while you are loaded, or heading that direction, is probably setting yourself up for failure in actually accomplishing that.

In other words, if you simply make a pact with yourself, rather than going public, to stop indulging in certain behaviors while drinking, such as going on line, or calling friends and family, or whatever you are doing that makes you less than proud when your sober, you might, in time, find yourself not drinking as often as you now are.
I think Captain was drinking when he posted that. But then again, I probably was too.

Please mark my post time minus 30 minutes. For every post I've made past that I will not be held accountable for.