Post Something Interesting


Oct 31, 2015
Monterey County
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Gotta be candid... quality posts a little thin lately.

Post something interesting.
Diesel Runaway
never heard if it til last week
Has all the guy things; science/heat/unexpected loss of control/explosions.

Its a pretty violent death. Seen it happen once after a guy lost a turbo in a cummins and didn't clean the motor oil out of the intake side of the system. As soon as they get the oil burning its game over unless you can stuff a blanket in the air filter quick enough to choke em out.
Its a pretty violent death. Seen it happen once after a guy lost a turbo in a cummins and didn't clean the motor oil out of the intake side of the system. As soon as they get the oil burning its game over unless you can stuff a blanket in the air filter quick enough to choke em out.

Yeah, but normally it’s restricted to old mechanical diesel engines. Detroit 2-strokes are the best known for it.
Yeah, but normally it’s restricted to old mechanical diesel engines. Detroit 2-strokes are the best known for it.

Typically. Yes This was an N14 cummins that did it which is electronic and another local shop had a C15 cat runaway last year. If they fill the charge air cooler with oil and it doesnt get cleaned out its game over.
I think you can do it with modern ones and starting fluid… awful impressive!
Quality posts? You must be new here.

Saw this on my morning walk. Guess the city and win bragging rights.

I think you can do it with modern ones and starting fluid… awful impressive!

i think I’ve decided to never start a diesel in or near a building… and once it starts to runaway, I’m not hanging around!

Something can’t be “as American as apple pie” as neither the apple or the pie originated in the United States
Four times as many people speak English as a second language than those who speak English as their primary language
Several groups, notably Colossal BioSciences, are working on de-extinction programs for animals such as the wooly mammoth, Tasmanian tiger, and dodo bird.
Nearly-complete genetic sequences are available from preserved tissue, and gaps could perhaps be filled in from related species, which could also serve as host mothers for ova containing the DNA sequences from the extinct animals.

Should we bring these extinct species back to once again walk the earth?

We all remember how well it worked out for InGen.

Several groups, notably Colossal BioSciences, are working on de-extinction programs for animals such as the wooly mammoth, Tasmanian tiger, and dodo bird.
Nearly-complete genetic sequences are available from preserved tissue, and gaps could perhaps be filled in from related species, which could also serve as host mothers for ova containing the DNA sequences from the extinct animals.

Should we bring these extinct species back to once again walk the earth?

We all remember how well it worked out for InGen.

View attachment 117152

If we caused the extinction, sure, bring 'em back.
Obviously if humans were so determined to eat mammoths that they poked 14’ tall wild animals with tusks and a prehensile trunk to death with pointy rocks tied to a stick to the point that they became extinct despite the danger involved tells me one thing… they must be DELICIOUS!!!
No, but I have this contraption that allows me to travel to far away places. Even places where you can find a goofy looking dog.
Looks like we can narrow it down to a city. Maybe someone will put the effort into finding that house itself. Be like the guy in the movie Lion
The United States, Liberia, and Myanmar are the only countries that don't use the metric system.
The United States, Liberia, and Myanmar are the only countries that don't use the metric system.
Except if you look at the NIST definition for anything - all of the so called U.S. Customary units are actually defined in terms of the S.I. units. It's all part of the deep state / new world order / socialist / ASPCA conspiracy for world domination.