I want YOU on the PoA MC! (job posting)


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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The Pilots of America Management Council and Board of Directors has always existed to serve the community and help to ensure that PoA remains a respectful (stop laughing) and useful (no seriously, stop laughing) resource for the aviation community and its members as a whole. Although the makeup of the MC has changed over the years with members being added generally as others have left, when you consider the makeup of the board we are mostly members who have been around since the inception of PoA back in the mid-2000s.

The MC recognizes that while PoA is in many ways the same community it was 15 years ago, that its membership is different. In the earlier days of PoA, all MC members were people who knew eachother in person as well as online, people who attended fly-ins such as the Wings Fly-B-Q, Gaston's, 6Y9, and others. But life changes and most of the MC members don't participate in these (and the newly established) gatherings that were always a vital part of the community that PoA created and fostered. We all remain friends, indeed most of us talk and do things far more together outside of PoA than as part of PoA and the "new generation" of members who are active, know each other, etc. largely are not represented by the existing MC.

With that, a number of the current MC members believe it's time to "pass the reigns" to the next generation to ensure the continued success of PoA. And with that we're doing something we have never done before: create a job posting.

Are you interested in joining the PoA MC and helping to shape the future of PoA? We are looking for new members who are committed to ensuring the success of Pilots of America for years to come. We are looking for members who are interested in participating in the following aspects:

1) Legal: PoA has always had at least one lawyer as an MC/board member. This has proven useful. PoA is a not-for-profit Pennsylvania corporation (not to be confused with a 501(c)3 ) and items for which legal counsel is beneficial come up from time to time
2) Technical: PoA, being an internet forum, needs IT support from people who are knowledgeable and able to keep things running smoothly
3) Accounting: PoA does have bills to pay, and needs a treasurer to keep track of the bills and funds
4) Moderators: In addition to the above items, PoA has always had moderators who have helped to set the tone of the board. You may hate us, you may love us, and now you may become one of or replace us. The MC enforces (and from time to time changes) the Rules of Conduct

One doesn't necessarily have to have any of items 1-3 to qualify, part of a successful transition does require people who can fulfill the above roles.

Our intent is that members joining the MC to replace existing members should be active members of PoA who have the best interests of the community at heart and want to see it thrive for years to come.

We know that there are some folks who may feel that we wouldn't consider them due to previous RoC violations. While we will take these into consideration, it's not an automatic disqualifier. We want to make sure people who are truly interested contact us and not automatically assume they won't be considered.

The intent is that we will identify a group of new MC members and we'll have a transition period during which certain legacy MC members will stay active to help maintain a smooth transition before stepping down ourselves to help ensure new members have the training and guidance they need to help keep PoA successful.

If you're interested, send me a message, and let's talk!
In addition to looking for volunteers, perhaps the current MC ought to privately identify and reach out to some of the members who they deem qualified to carry on the “tone” of POA based on their prior interactions, to see if they have interest and are qualified. Then select from both lists of candidates.

-Not It
In addition to looking for volunteers, perhaps the current MC ought to privately identify and reach out to some of the members who they deem qualified to carry on the “tone” of POA based on their prior interactions, to see if they have interest and are qualified. Then select from both lists of candidates.

That's basically how we've always done things in the past.
In addition to looking for volunteers, perhaps the current MC ought to privately identify and reach out to some of the members who they deem qualified to carry on the “tone” of POA based on their prior interactions, to see if they have interest and are qualified. Then select from both lists of candidates.

-Not It
That's the way it was traditionally done.

I applaud the MC for looking forward and trying to bring some folks into the fold that they might otherwise not think of.
I see that no one has replied yet. Can you be an MC member if you have a significant block list in place?


I don't think anyone on the MC has anyone on their block list, so you might need to revisit that.

Also, anyone who's seriously interested needs to PM me to express their interest. Posts on this thread will not count as expressing interest. :)
In addition to looking for volunteers, perhaps the current MC ought to privately identify and reach out to some of the members who they deem qualified to carry on the “tone” of POA based on their prior interactions, to see if they have interest and are qualified. Then select from both lists of candidates.

-Not It
Traditionally that's what we do when we add one member or replace a member. But this time we're going to be undergoing a more-or-less full administrative swap and we feel that we may not have the finger on the pulse of PoA that we may have once had. So we're looking a bit out of our comfort zone to find people passionate about the board that has its future in mind.
Traditionally that's what we do when we add one member or replace a member. But this time we're going to be undergoing a more-or-less full administrative swap and we feel that we may not have the finger on the pulse of PoA that we may have once had. So we're looking a bit out of our comfort zone to find people passionate about the board that has its future in mind.

Don't seem like a good idea. But if you've all had it, so be it.
Am I allowed to give myself a timeout if I take something too far?
Becoming a forum moderator is a bit like turning your flying hobby into a flying job. The pay sucks and you don't have a hobby anymore.

On a more serious note, while it does add job-like aspects to it, it also has a lot of positives. More than anything you're giving back to the community that we all benefit from. Certainly it's not for everyone.

In reality, the time requirements aren't too significant and we keep things pretty casual. Part of how this works is we have enough members who are on here regularly that there isn't a burden that falls onto any of us individually for enforcement actions, things like that.

I don't think many of us spend much more time on PoA extra to do moderating activities, although that may be less so for those who otherwise wouldn't be participating much.
Can we nominate other POA members? @Ryanb you have hereby been officially nominated to the position of POA MC. Good luck.
I can't decide if "pass the reigns" was a typo or a super clever double entendre. Will assume the latter. Kudos. :D
I kind of think that Velocity guy would be good fit.


Having said that, I’m of the opinion that if the current MC see’s potential in someone, just ask.
Can we nominate other POA members? @Ryanb you have hereby been officially nominated to the position of POA MC. Good luck.

I kind of think that Velocity guy would be good fit.


Having said that, I’m of the opinion that if the current MC see’s potential in someone, just ask.

So two points.

1) While support isn't a bad thing, people need to volunteer. We're not voluntolding people to join the MC. :)

2) We have in the past asked people who we see potential in. But at this point most of us spend more time on here moderating than anything else, so that makes it harder for us to really "see potential" as much. We also recognized the fact that there is talent among us that we may not be aware of, especially as it relates to some of the extra needs of the board.
Traditionally that's what we do when we add one member or replace a member. But this time we're going to be undergoing a more-or-less full administrative swap and we feel that we may not have the finger on the pulse of PoA that we may have once had. So we're looking a bit out of our comfort zone to find people passionate about the board that has its future in mind.

A full swap would seem to result in a loss of continuity... maybe the MC should consider a phased approached.

btw - how many members of the MC are being sought?
I kind of think that Velocity guy would be good fit.


Having said that, I’m of the opinion that if the current MC see’s potential in someone, just ask.

Nope. Gotta have the total package. Ryan has a healthy “like” count. His chat room participation is thru the roof. He doesn’t engage in politics or any other controversial topics. He needs to accept that he’s a rising star on POA and take the reigns of MC and the duties that go with it!
So two points.

1) While support isn't a bad thing, people need to volunteer. We're not voluntolding people to join the MC. :)

2) We have in the past asked people who we see potential in. But at this point most of us spend more time on here moderating than anything else, so that makes it harder for us to really "see potential" as much. We also recognized the fact that there is talent among us that we may not be aware of, especially as it relates to some of the extra needs of the board.

Its voluntelling Ted. I’m not even sure the past tense is even a word. ;)

saying “we want you to be a mod, you start Monday.” is different than saying something like “you’re awful handsome and I see you fly a Cherokee, how would you like to be a moderator?”
Nope. Gotta have the total package. Ryan has a healthy “like” count. His chat room participation is thru the roof. He doesn’t engage in politics or any other controversial topics. He needs to accept that he’s a rising star on POA and take the reigns of MC and the duties that go with it!

Yeah I would agree but he just wants to date my daughter. I feel he’d drop the banhammer on me if I said no. ;)

seriously though, I think the same of you...the nice things, not the daughter things. I’ve been a mod on another forum @CharlieD3 is a witness. It’s a PITA job to do
A full swap would seem to result in a loss of continuity... maybe the MC should consider a phased approached.

As I said in the initial post, this isn't simply "Here you go, have fun." The intent is to transition over some period of time (probably months) where the outgoing MC members step down one by one.

btw - how many members of the MC are being sought?

If you look at the total number of people who are talking about stepping down, you're looking at roughly 7. However several of those have not been hugely active in moderation. I don't think we have a fixed number that we're saying are required to do this, and depending on who applies and timeframe, we may decide to add fewer members than are leaving, may be more, may be the same.
Pay: $0
Benefits: None
Perks: Everyone hates you


You forgot the fun of standing between two six year olds with one ice cream cone.

primary criteria for these jobs is identifying who doesn’t want the job (for all the right reasons).
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Yeah I would agree but he just wants to date my daughter. I feel he’d drop the banhammer on me if I said no. ;)

seriously though, I think the same of you...the nice things, not the daughter things. I’ve been a mod on another forum @CharlieD3 is a witness. It’s a PITA job to do

Yeah but Ryan is dedicated. I can see Ryan in the middle of class during his college finals, on POA, and debating the merits of high wing vs low wing. We need that sort of pilot in the MC.