Excessive white space at the end of short posts

Spring Ford

Line Up and Wait
Jul 11, 2018
Display Name

Display name:

Thanks for the great site, I enjoy it very much.

I have noticed that a lot of very short posts have a lot of white space after the text. I use a laptop and it sometimes nearly fills the screen. I find this disruptive to the reading of the thread.

For example:



I was inwardly cursing the posters but I had a look at the Source and this one has :-

<div class="messageContent">
<blockquote class="messageText SelectQuoteContainer ugc baseHtml">

Could be a fine line between solicitation,and informational entertainment.
<div class="messageTextEndMarker">&nbsp;</div>


There is no sign of any extra spaces in the poster's message. So perhaps there is something else causing it?

Here are two more -

I looked at a few and none show and extra white space in the message.

It's the same if you quote the message, no extra lines in the quote.

Above are in Chrome but Firefox (my usual browser) does it too-

Is there any possibility that this could be fixed?

Thanks for your attention.

I didn't notice that correlation. Wish I had, would have saved a bit of typing:)

In my case the effect still breaks the flow of reading the posts. I read a whole screen in say a second.

Perhaps the Avatars should be truncated for short posts? Guess that would be too much work for a small board?

Thanks again.
OP’s issue is easily solved reading it on mobile device... Xenforo, chrome on iPhone, and whatever my settings are formats the feed without that extra stuff.....
If they trim my avatar I will revolt ....(like that would matter)
Not to be a bonehead or anything, but is this REALLY a problem for you? Seems pretty dang superficial to me... <scratches head>
but is this REALLY a problem for you?

Of course not. If is was I wouldn't have put it in the "Site Feedback and ..." Forum, I would have put it in the "This REALLY is a problem for me and ..." Forum.

It all started with the request for a ban on youtube links ...

For fun I looked for and found a method to remove them from posts in the web browser display, even though I don't want it myself. Then a post on that thread appeared that had a huge signature (2/3 screen) and I got thinking ... if I can get rid of youtube links maybe ...

Well 2 hours later - I can now remove any signature I don't like, at present there is exactly one. As i said I did it for fun.

When viewing the thread with no displayed signatures at all the huge blank spaces became even more evident as they were often adjacent and sooooooo ...

I soon found that the blank spaces were nothing to do with the message content and I started this thread.

Now that the reason for the spaces has been explained to me (large personal side panels) I guess I could remove them en masse or by individual user too. Thing is that I like the user info and don't really want to do that however I would like them to be perhaps partially hidden when the posts are short.

I think it makes the forum harder to use to have a one word post take up half the screen height. With the shape of modern screens, screen height is a precious commodity and screen width less so. Maybe the side panels could spread out to the side more if space is available? A board such as this obviously runs on limited resources and so it probably won't be changed.

Quite a few users have suggested alternative tools for viewing the board that may ameliorate the issue, I will have a look at them, thanks for he suggestions.

Anyway, I've done my feedback for the year, I hope I have been of some assistance.

Good luck and good health everyone with the lockdown etc.