Anti-Thanksgiving Feast


Final Approach
Jan 1, 2015
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All the staunch traditionalists are unavailable for Thanksgiving this year due to various reasons and the remaining family members aren't big on turkey. I thought I might float the idea of an anti-Thanksgiving feast. Any suggestions on what to put on the menu?

I was thinking maybe:
  • Steak and kidney pie
  • Fish and chips
  • Bangers and mash
  • Peking duck
  • Banh mi dac biet
  • Tom yum gai
  • Frank and beans
  • Top Ramen
  • Frosted flakes
I don’t know what half of those are, but my vote would be for the fish and chips.
Hmmm, seems more anti-turkey than anti-Thanksgiving, but whatever floats your boat.
  • Peking duck
  • Banh mi dac biet
  • Tom yum gai

Can't help you there, but bear in mind the Vietnamese really, really intensely dislike the Chinese.

You might want to put your tom yum in between your banh mi and Peking duck.
We're home this year (Mrs. Steingar has a procedure scheduled the day before). I'll probably make this year's lasagne.
We’re doing all of the traditional sides, but the main course is going to be smoked butts. Nobody wants turkey this year, so pulled pork it is! Besides, gives ma a good reason to hang out on the back patio and enjoy some beverages.
We’re doing all of the traditional sides, but the main course is going to be smoked butts. Nobody wants turkey this year, so pulled pork it is! Besides, gives ma a good reason to hang out on the back patio and enjoy some beverages.

So it's not 8 hours bottle to smoker then? Is it safe to drink and smoke?
Prime rib is my favorite alternative, but in the past we have had a seafood feast (fish, king crab legs, oyster stew, scallops and shrimp). I think we had some vegetable side dishes too, like roasted potatoes and sauteed greens w garlic & onion. It cost a lot more than that $0.59/pound turkey, and not as many left-overs, but it was good.
Man, I don't know. I always fix a ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans.... I didn't know it was legal to eat anything else on thanksgiving.
My wife said she would cook her delicious crab soup for Thanksgiving. I'll chain her to the stove if she even thinks about NOT cooking it. :drool:
I'm thinking Dim Sum with the family around 9:00 AM and spending the rest of the day flying.
We’re doing all of the traditional sides, but the main course is going to be smoked butts. Nobody wants turkey this year, so pulled pork it is! Besides, gives ma a good reason to hang out on the back patio and enjoy some beverages.

Try smoking a turkey. Brine it for at least 24 hours and smoke it around at around 275 until correct internal temp on the thigh. Don't waste time injecting - the brine does it for you. It's the only way I'll eat turkey now - even better than fried.

Edit: "The hard part is finding rolling papers big enough for the turkey...." I'll go ahead and steal that punchline.
No chance I can get away from traditional Thanksgiving.
Going to Kotzebue, Alaska for Thanksgiving. I think moose and caribou are on the menu. Not sure about the rest.
As it's deer season here, and we have fresh venison, it's Rouladen at our house. Sides will be potatoes from our garden and maybe Brussels Sprouts.
I thought I might float the idea of an anti-Thanksgiving feast.
Seems like that should be something like bison and venison with maize and pumpkin and the odd freshwater fish.

Or maybe just crow, seasoned with bitter tears.

the odd freshwater fish
Hmmm, seems more anti-turkey than anti-Thanksgiving, but whatever floats your boat.
Yeah, but since I was aiming for the antithesis of turkey, may as well target the antithesis of everything else on the menu.

You might want to put your tom yum in between your banh mi and Peking duck.
Like a Reuben sandwich: Sauerkraut, Russian dressing, Swiss cheese - Axis, Allies, neutral.
A good wine, Spinach salad, Prime rib, oysters Rockefeller, garlic mashed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, blue berry pie ala mode.
By no means fix anything you are thankful for, then, so all nasty foods, I reckon. Most of what's been offered as contra-turkey choices sound like things most of us would be thankful to eat.
Maybe "Anti-Traditional Thanksgiving Food" would be a better title. Thanksgiving, in many ways, is my favorite holiday. Being grateful for what and who we have is a healthy, beautiful state of being, and that, thankfully, almost everyone can come together and not argue about. Hate the food, hate tradition, just gotta be different, ok... but we can all be grateful and thankful. No need to be "Anti-Thanksgiving." Of course the original title could be read as meaning either a feast to celebrate Anti-Thanksgiving, which would be pretty sad, or being opposed to a specific menu for a feast related to Thanksgiving but not Thanksgiving itself...which probably IS what it meant.

With all the rancor in the world these days, I gotta stop seeing it in places where it probably isn't. A Happy
Thanksgiving to all, however you wish to celebrate and give thanks.
"Antithesis To Foods Traditionally Served At A Thanksgiving Feast" was a bit unwieldy. :)
An astute observation of linguisitic pragmatism. This self-admitted buttercup will now commence sucking it up... ;)
Well we had ham and ganish hens
Now its time for Kotzebue Christmas dinner.
At reddog for that.
Man, I don't know. I always fix a ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans.... I didn't know it was legal to eat anything else on thanksgiving.

It's not.