Dorian - Here we blow again....

Half Fast

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 7, 2016
Central Florida
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Half Fast

Arrow points to my living room. So much for taking a plane up this weekend. Of course, I might be able to fly without one....

Hope everyone in the path is making preparations, just in case.
Hoping for minimal impact in Florida or wherever Dorian decides to meander. Best case scenario is it misses CONUS entirely and turns back out to sea.
I live in Stuart!


Hoping for minimal impact in Florida or wherever Dorian decides to meander. Best case scenario is it misses CONUS entirely and turns back out to sea.

Well, best case is it becomes a cat 5 and parks over DC for a week so we can start over with a clean slate,..... :)
Florida...battening down for the next hurricane, or cleaning up after the last one...
Desert hurricane....


Notice the cumulus monsoon clouds in the back ground...
Just moved to Florida this summer. "The Tampa area is well protected from hurricanes," they said.

Instead of getting weaker after hitting Puerto Rico, it decided to skirt the island and actually intensify with plans to get stronger north of the Bahamas before making a hard left turn into the east coast. With that being the current forecast, look out South Carolina!
Florida...battening down for the next hurricane, or cleaning up after the last one...

I'm practically @Half Fast 's neighbor and I feel like I have an X painted on my roof. Time to test fire the generator (again) and batten down the hangar. During the last hurricane (Irma), the intracoastal waterway was in my yard. I hope this doesn't beat that.
We're further inland but if it goes where they say, yehaa.
I'm 150 miles east of Puerto Rico right now and watching the outer bands go by.
Really hoping for a North turn myself. Getting ready to leave for a week long trip to the Gulf Coast.
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Arrow points to my living room. So much for taking a plane up this weekend. Of course, I might be able to fly without one....

Hope everyone in the path is making preparations, just in case.
Well, the good news is saturday will probably be a nice day to fly.....

I might take the plane up north and wait it out. Insurance pays $500 if I relocate the plane from a hurricane zone to outside the zone.
Well, the good news is saturday will probably be a nice day to fly.....

I might take the plane up north and wait it out. Insurance pays $500 if I relocate the plane from a hurricane zone to outside the zone.
I was under the impression that my insurance company would pay $1,000. I thought that was too good so I read the policy. They will pay "up to" $1,000 of legitimate expenses, with a receipts and a bunch of other "ifs". The won't just write a check for $1,000.
I was under the impression that my insurance company would pay $1,000. I thought that was too good so I read the policy. They will pay "up to" $1,000 of legitimate expenses, with a receipts and a bunch of other "ifs". The won't just write a check for $1,000.
I evacuated for one two years ago. Sent them the receipts which totaled about $600 for gas and hotel. Got a check for $500 in a couple weeks. They already know my home base zip code and the hotel and refuel receipt zip code showed I took it outside the zone. It was probably the simplest transaction I’ve ever had with an insurance company.
Bought a plane down in Charleston, good thing we are planning on picking it up this weekend! Also if anyone needs it I have an open hangar in central NC at 8A7.
We had the remains of one of those things hit the neighborhood. My goodness it made a mess, and that was just the wind, not the rain or the storm surge. Says me if you're in the path of that thing get yourself, your loved ones and hopefully your airplane the heck out of there.
Started hurricane prep by filling up gas cans for the generator yesterday. I figured I'd better stock up on gas before the hoarders got it all. I heard some stations are already running out.

I'll try to get the rest of my supplies this evening, but there are so many calibers I need to buy for....
Started hurricane prep by filling up gas cans for the generator yesterday. I figured I'd better stock up on gas before the hoarders got it all. I heard some stations are already running out.

I'll try to get the rest of my supplies this evening, but there are so many calibers I need to buy for....
Slacker. You should always have plenty of that on hand. Can't plan for a zombie apocalypse.
Started hurricane prep by filling up gas cans for the generator yesterday. I figured I'd better stock up on gas before the hoarders got it all. I heard some stations are already running out.

I'll try to get the rest of my supplies this evening, but there are so many calibers I need to buy for....

By definition “stocking up on gas” makes you a hoarder as well :p
Slacker. You should always have plenty of that on hand. Can't plan for a zombie apocalypse.

Two other things which will be worth their weight in gold following the Zombie Apocalypse:

1) Pain meds, and,

2) Reading glasses

As an aside, I’m pretty much free to assist with any evacuation plans. Under BasicMed I can’t use my Commercial privileges, but could still help out if needed.
Two other things which will be worth their weight in gold following the Zombie Apocalypse:

1) Pain meds, and,

2) Reading glasses

As an aside, I’m pretty much free to assist with any evacuation plans. Under BasicMed I can’t use my Commercial privileges, but could still help out if needed.
I'd love to come up and visit you, but if I evacuate, I'll probably have to head to Plano or Nashville where my company has offices. :(
Slacker. You should always have plenty of that on hand. Can't plan for a zombie apocalypse.

Yeah, you're right. I'm pretty good on .223 and 7.62 for the rifles, I have a bunch of 12ga and 20ga shells from 00 to #8, and I have a ton of .22LR, but my handgun stash is pretty low.
Two other things which will be worth their weight in gold following the Zombie Apocalypse:

1) Pain meds, and,

2) Reading glasses

As an aside, I’m pretty much free to assist with any evacuation plans. Under BasicMed I can’t use my Commercial privileges, but could still help out if needed.

Might be a fun hurricane trip in an LSA, flying north to Georgia at a 90 degree crab angle....

You left out
3) Booze.
Might be a fun hurricane trip in an LSA, flying north to Georgia at a 90 degree crab angle....

You left out
3) Booze.
Actually, it would be close to a direct headwind from here to Georgia, and you may be flying backward.
Actually, it would be close to a direct headwind from here to Georgia, and you may be flying backward.

Possibly. Depends on time of departure. :) Take off during the lull of the eye passage, there's CCW rotation around the low, so flying northward the wind will be from the east when the eye is over X04.

At least it would be exciting.....
Might be a fun hurricane trip in an LSA, flying north to Georgia at a 90 degree crab angle....

In 2004 I evacuated my Cirrus to N GA to escape Jeanne.

I circumvented the storm flying home. It looked ominous off my left wing, but the air was smooth with a very nice tailwind!



Heading south around sept 10 ,hopefully the Condo fares well.
Texas based Operation Airdrop is monitoring the event and making appropriate readiness preparations
Having just noted our 2 year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey here in Port Aransas, Texas, I am wishing y'all the best of luck.

If it hits as predicted, you are in for a difficult time. :(
Having just noted our 2 year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey here in Port Aransas, Texas, I am wishing y'all the best of luck.

If it hits as predicted, you are in for a difficult time. :(
I live right on the west side of the intra-coastal waterway, so we do have the peninsula on the other side as a windbreak. But if the flood surge is as bad as I have heard, it may just rip over the beach side peninsula and come up into my yard again. During Irma last year, the ICW did get up to my yard. I found a couple of cat fish floundering around outside my door. when the water receded. But Irma slid North off the coast. This think is taking dead aim at us.

I have a block and stucco house with a new (3 yr old) low sloped roof and new hurricane windows that are rated up to CAT 3. But now this thing is predicted to be a CAT 4! :yikes:
At least I have flood insurance, even though for some reason, it is not required in my area.

I'll keep an eye on it, and if we need to evacuate the state, at least I can fly and look down on all those grid-locked interstate fuster-clucks.
Having just noted our 2 year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey here in Port Aransas, Texas, I am wishing y'all the best of luck.

If it hits as predicted, you are in for a difficult time. :(

I know this because Harvey happened right as I started with my drone job, my two year mark is Monday!
I don't understand why people live in areas where hurricanes occur regularly...

(Says the guy who just had a tornado miss his house by 1,000 feet.)
New Mexico..... hurricane free for probably a couple hundred centuries....

However we have had remnants of tropical storms get this far. Sometimes dropping as much as 5.75 inches of rain...

For you folks in harms way, good luck and stay safe.
If a hurricane ever makes it to me, you’re all gone. I’ll just say a prayer for your souls.


A Publix made Hurricane decorated cakes and some people are already offended by it. Check out social media for excellent comments by sane people.
