Anyone here flown a Pazmany PL1?


Aug 16, 2015
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Asking for myself - Is it a pigsickle? Is it fun?

Most curious about handling qualities. For baseline, I consider a 182 an unresponsive, wallowing hog. I love the SF-260, but don't have the $300K . . .well, actually, I do, but my wife would not be amused.

So, doesn't have to be something super twitchy, just nothing that says Cessna, Piper, or Beech on the data plate. No bipes, either.

I want a stick, I want a canopy, I want two seats, maximum . . .I want a real airplane engine. Looked and looking at LongEZ, Emeraude. . .

Please, no blather about "mission". My "mission" is to fly, preferably a crisp handling airplane with astoundingly great visibility. And one that won't disintegrate in gentlemanly acrobatics - loop, aileron roll, split-s, spin.
Maybe no engine is better; was looking at some sailplane locations this weekend; turns out there are two reasonably close, and one more not too crazy far away. I think I'll look into it, get some instruction, see how I like it.
Either way. They both fit the mission you listed.
Yep! RV-4 or an RV-8, you just can’t go wrong, great flying airplanes. But, I’m biased; I built an -8 and have close to 1600 hours on it. It’s a keeper.

Nanchang or a Yak?
Judging from the OPs comment of wanting a real airplane engine, these might not be a good choice as they’re too warbirdy and finicky. The RV is a somewhat digital airplane, just drag it out of the hangar and turn it on. The Yak or CJ, not so much. Gotta check and add oil, by the gallon. Gotta pull the prop through to check for hydraulic lock; if you get a lock, out come the lower plugs to drain the oil. Then there’s the oily mess to clean up. Also has a compressed air system that may/may not need a recharge every now and then. Don’t get me wrong, I think a CJ-6 would be a cool airplane to have and fly, but I get the feeling it might not fit what Sundancer is looking for...

Find a good RV-4 and be happy!
My "mission" is to fly, preferably a crisp handling airplane with astoundingly great visibility. And one that won't disintegrate in gentlemanly acrobatics - loop, aileron roll, split-s, spin.
I've flown a PL-2 which would be very similar, been a few years ago and I won't try to remember how it handled. I did a couple of straight power-off stalls and a barrel roll.
As it slows towards the stall the IAS decreases then increases again due to position of the pitot tube.
It has an unrecoverable spin - refer the Pazmany website so I wouldn't get one for an aerobatic mission.
Sailplanes are a total blast! Let us know after you have a few flights.

Between my doing Training flights Wednesday (7.0 hours, 23 flights) and my personal glider flight Thursday (4.0 hrs, 1 flight) I have 11 hours of glider time this week

Good Soaring day for the training flights, did everything from simulated rope breaks to almost 1 hour flights with over a 6000ft altitude gain.
