Any PS-4 gamers here?


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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Just wondering. I find it very therapeutic after a day of dealing with boneheads all day that I go home and kill a lot of people I don't know.
Right here. Mostly post-apocalyptic stuff, not much FPS or fantasy. The Last of Us (PS4 only) is by far my favorite game on any platform.

whose tag should be 'target'
Haha. I'm a "target" too most the time anyway, but it does help take out my frustrations.
Yes... Currently making my way across Greece via AC Odyssey.
Duh... who doesn’t like to cause mayhem in a fake city with fake people!?!

I’ve got a 360 that I’ll play Call of Duty or GTA V on when I get a minute or two to chill.
I'm more FPS currently working up the ranks in Call of Duty WWII
I've done a few FPS's (like Destiny). But the changes since year 2 sorta soured my interest in that game.

I'd play other FPS's if/when a good team can be formed. Just don't own any currently. Been thinking about the new Far Cry. I enjoyed 5 a lot. But never found anyone to do things cooperatively.

Not a fan of the battleground games like Fortnite or PUBG.
Ghost Recon Wildlands... many hours lost playing that
Destiny got to be too much of a job. Fortnite is way too cartooney for me. I downloaded it, played a couple of times with the kids from work and decided it wasn't for me. I did Far Cry 5 but only by myself. It was like Grand Theft Auto for rednecks.
Destiny got to be too much of a job. Fortnite is way too cartooney for me. I downloaded it, played a couple of times with the kids from work and decided it wasn't for me. I did Far Cry 5 but only by myself. It was like Grand Theft Auto for rednecks.
But at least the helicopter and airplane missions were fun.

One thing that Ubisoft has been doing well is the massively huge open world maps. The detail from FC5 and the recent AC games is amazing.
The Last of Us was great. Toss up between that and God of War as my favorite. Also enjoyed the Uncharted series.
I’ve been playing through Red Dead II and after a month of daily playing I’m only 60% done. It deserved Game of the Year!!

There is some crazy a$$ stuff in that game. As an example I came across a family obliterated in their cabin by a meteorite while traveling between story missions.

My next game addiction is either going to be Fallout 4 or Elite Dangerous.
If any of you play PC or have any crossover games let me know!

My next game addiction is either going to be Fallout 4 or Elite Dangerous.
I haven't played since the patch but ED was a galaxy wide and an atom deep. By far the best thing about the game was multicrew and ship launched fighters!
I play Xbox One. Got AC Odyssey and COD WWII for Christmas. Anybody get the new Ace Combat yet?
I miss the days of high school playing the Halo and COD series for unhealthy amounts of time with my friends on Xbox live.

To be honest, I just don’t have the time anymore. Don’t even own a console anymore. I built up a gaming PC a few years ago, but I prefer console gaming vs PC gaming (better online community on consoles IMO)
Upcoming Cyberpunk looks extremely interesting. Especially since I was a fan of the sci-fi book genre from way back
Just wondering. I find it very therapeutic after a day of dealing with boneheads all day that I go home and kill a lot of people I don't know.

Maybe you just need to stop working with boneheads. I personally don’t get the appeal of those death and mayhem video games.
Alien isolation is a slow burner.
Nope. Picked up a Nintendo Classic, hacked it, loaded it up with 800 games and am reliving parts of my childhood. And wow do I suck at NES games compared to when I was n-een.
Battlefield 5 o_O

Walmart had Battlefield 5 marked down to $23 next to COD WWII. When I asked why they told me that Battlefield 5 had been hacked and was causing a whole bunch of issues which is why I didn't buy it.
If anyone has any solutions to that other than retiring (again) I'm all ears.

You need to stop interacting with Millenials and all your problems will be solved
I wonder if we could come up with a regular poker game ($1/$2 or $2/5) amongst us PoA denizens
If anyone has any solutions to that other than retiring (again) I'm all ears.

New employer or career field? Even a change of location for the same employer can be refreshing.
Did you ever watch the movie Office Space where someone suggested that the character Michael Bolton change his name because it was always getting confused with the singer Michael Bolton?

Remember his reply?

If not, "Why should I? He's the one that sucks!"
Same reply. Sub millennials for boneheads

Plus, that means you and I can never fly anywhere together.

I’m a good Millenial. Full of wisdom and knowledge. Just ask Walt. :)
I have asked Walt. He's a nice guy that doesn't like to hurt millenial's delicate feelers.

Seriously Carlen, you're a good dude, millennial or not. ;)
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Walmart had Battlefield 5 marked down to $23 next to COD WWII. When I asked why they told me that Battlefield 5 had been hacked and was causing a whole bunch of issues which is why I didn't buy it.

In Europe there are no big issues with the game (what I know..) and it is pretty fun, but hard in online multiplayer. They are releasing new content every now and then... for free.
Aviation related:

I played with a guy who's call sign was "Crazy Wheelchair" the other day. I usually have my mic switched off and I mute everyone else because I don't have anything to say and really don't care to listen to anyone else talking chit. When someone new joins mid game and they have a mic, I hear them until I get a chance to mute them. This time however, I was having a good game and heard a guy call out the enemy and was commenting on someone saying, "there's a guy who's on fire, he's killing everyone..." then I realized that he was talking about me. My clan tag is ATC and he asked if I was a controller. He said that he had been a pilot flying helicopters for the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. He said that after the accident, they sprayed a chemical designed to make all the oil sink which also acted as a nerve agent which the helicopters flew through. It gave them all symptoms of ALS. He said that of the 6 pilots that flew through the stuff, he's the only one still alive. He's now on my friend list.