I discovered Nate's secret weapon as a SysAdmin

You’d be surprised how many things are fixed by me just walking in the room and asking them to show me what they did. Must be my good karma rubbing off on them.
That guy's not wearing the proper IT uniform - sandals with socks and a three wolf t-shirt. ;)
You’d be surprised how many things are fixed by me just walking in the room and asking them to show me what they did. Must be my good karma rubbing off on them.
If that doesn't work, the laying on of hands usually does the trick for me.
We actually do have slackbot trained to respond to “IT Excuse?” with a number of BOFH phrases like, “Looks like the sun spots are high today.”

I can’t truly take credit for it. The PFY did it.
We also once did have a dart board with versions of Cisco IOS on it for what buggy version we were going to run this week at an ISP, since everything they had given us to fix what ultimately turned out to be a hardware design problem in their 6509 switches, did one thing or another wrong.