Media starts off 2018 with a bang...


Jan 7, 2013
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Good god, how many things are wrong about this article. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad how badly the media misunderstands aviation (or even basic things, like cruise speeds, and the difference between a jet and a piston)
You actually consider Flipboard, "The media?" That would be laughable if it weren't so sad... I finally figured out how to silence the POS on my Samsung... Glory days!
Hey now... don't discount that smokin' hot 150 knt cruise in a 2 place tandem. That's worth $200k investment, isn't it?
Not Flipboard, but “Business Insider” which generally attempts to be “the media”...
Up to 20% or more!

With a name like Black Shape Prime I expected it to be....I dunno...blacker.


Good looking bird though.
Cool little plane. Article wasn't that bad guys.
" two-seater aircraft that flies like a high-end sports car."

Last high end sports car I saw fly was in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
" two-seater aircraft that flies like a high-end sports car."

Last high end sports car I saw fly was in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

There's been quite a few that end up flying. There was one recently, think it was a celebrity that took out a brand new Ferrari he had just purchased.

"Brother can't drive" he says lol.

The author identifies himself as a pilot, but I guess he's the type of pilot who doesn't read about many planes.