Going Price Narco AT150


Ejection Handle Pulled
Jul 8, 2008
Grass Valley, CA (KGOO)
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When installing the Appareo ADSB with built in transponder and gps I find myself with a Narco AT-150 that was working well when removed. I see them on ebay anywhere from $100 to $900. Does anybody have an idea of what they are going for on the open market?

I might be willing to package it with a brad new in sealed box ACK altitude encoder for a bit more than wholesale prices for both.

I got $100 as trade-in on ADS-B. I think the shop put it on the shelf as a historical artifact.
A few months back I picked up a friend's plane from the avionics shop after having a GTX330 removed and a GTX345 installed. I asked how much value the 330 had, since it could be updated and used for ADSB compliance. Even with that flexibility the owner of the shop indicated the transponder had minimal value because the cost to update the transponder and wire it would be almost as expensive as just getting a 345.

So based on that conversation I'd say an AT-150 has a cost of just over $0. If it works it is probably worth something to someone who already has one installed and needs a replacement but I don't think it is going to be valuable to anyone else.
I have had pretty good luck just stopping buy avionic shops and seeing if they would give me an old transponder. Got an old Terra transponder that way. If I was looking, it would not surprise me if I could get an AT-150 the same way. someone that has one might give you $100 for it. Not sure what the encoder might be worth, those are a bit harder to come by.

Thanks, all, but I'm not really interested in case history or conjecture. Anybody got a clue as to what AT150s are SELLING FOR on the open market.

And I'm not really interested in taking a loss on my distributorship in ACK encoders. These are somewhat old and are going for what they go for on the distributor market today.


I would estimate $0-$100 maximum. It's hard for me to fathom anything more as my old but perfectly-working KT-76A transponder, viewed by the market as a superior product, could only fetch $300 and that's with a little salesmanship on my part. $900 for a Narco unit? Not a chance.

The value for these old Mode C transponders decreases by the day as 2020 comes near.
Thanks, all, but I'm not really interested in case history or conjecture. Anybody got a clue as to what AT150s are SELLING FOR on the open market.

And I'm not really interested in taking a loss on my distributorship in ACK encoders. These are somewhat old and are going for what they go for on the distributor market today.



Bennett Avionics has one for $895, ebay has one for $250. Figure retail is $895 based on Bennett's site for a used one, so if you are trying to sell on the "open market" half of retail or less. Doubt someone is going to pay retail from a 3rd party, also depends on condition.

Figure, $250-$500 max? That's for a pristine condition model without the encoder.
Yeah, but Bennett tries to sell things at unrealistic prices all the time. Seems to be their business model. They take a batch of 10-20 old units which they got for $20 each and hope someone buys a couple. Then the remainder end up getting auctioned off. There were a couple of booths like that at OSH, old avionics for silly prices. I pointed out the high cost of an old King CDI and the guy behind the counter said, "No problem, make an offer." So I don't think that's representative of the true market value. I think the $0-$100 bracket is far more realistic.
Yeah, but Bennett tries to sell things at unrealistic prices all the time. Seems to be their business model. They take a batch of 10-20 old units which they got for $20 each and hope someone buys a couple. Then the remainder end up getting auctioned off. There were a couple of booths like that at OSH, old avionics for silly prices. I pointed out the high cost of an old King CDI and the guy behind the counter said, "No problem, make an offer." So I don't think that's representative of the true market value. I think the $0-$100 bracket is far more realistic.

Heh, yeah reminds me of a Big Bang Theory episode...

Raj needs cash, so tries to sell stuff back to Stuart, who offers him $25 for it all.
Not enough but Raj agrees and Stuart offers him a job to earn the rest of the money he needs.
First task? Start selling the box of stuff he just sold marking up each item 300%.
Seems that if I put it on the market for $200 "working well when removed" and the ACK-A30 altitude encoder (new, in box, with full warranty) for another $200, or $375 the pair I'd be somewhere in the ballpark. Transponder has connectors to make a full harness including altitude encoder.
