Speed question....


Final Approach
Dec 2, 2014
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If we are told to hold 250 knots and our route takes us to the arrival, should we slow if there is a 190 speed published in the arrival at (Wojic)?? on the arrival (Patts into PHL)??
Do we maintain 250, or automatically reduce to the published speed?? For what it's worth, we have never been taken off the arrival.

I realize we were issued a speed, but does the arrival speed mean to slow down?

I also realize ATC instructions take priority, but for example we are given "transition to 300 kts". When we hit 10,000 feet we are slowed to 250 regardless of the 300 instruction.

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I had to refresh this big time when I started flying the conquest. AIM 5-4-1.a.1

1. STAR procedures may have mandatory speeds and/or crossing altitudes published. Other STARs may have planning information depicted to inform pilots what clearances or restrictions to “ex- pect.” “Expect” altitudes/speeds are not considered STAR procedures crossing restrictions unless verbal- ly issued by ATC. Published speed restrictions are independent of altitude restrictions and are mandat- ory unless modified by ATC. Pilots should plan to cross waypoints with a published speed restriction, at the published speed, and should not exceed this speed past the associated waypoint unless authorized by ATC or a published note to do so.
ATC is required to restate the speed restriction with your clearance. "Cleared via ABCDE arrival, except maintain 200 kts."

If you're assigned a speed assignment greater than 250 kts while above 10,000 ft, you're required to slow to the 250 kt limit automatically once below 10K.
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If I switched controllers I would check in with the ATC assigned speed given and just maintain. Same controller, nope!!
I have 3 ways of looking at it:

1. If I am given an instruction to descend to xyz and maintain 290 kts, even if the course overlaps the arrival in question, I would maintain 290 kts.

2. If I am given "descend via ... (the arrival)" and maintain 290 kts as long as practical, I would slow down to comply with the arrival but stay fast as long as I can.

3. If I am given "descend via ..." except maintain 290 kts, then I would maintain 290 kts over what is published on the arrival.

Like others said, I slow to 250 knots before I descend below 10,000.
I have 3 ways of looking at it:

1. If I am given an instruction to descend to xyz and maintain 290 kts, even if the course overlaps the arrival in question, I would maintain 290 kts.

2. If I am given "descend via ... (the arrival)" and maintain 290 kts as long as practical, I would slow down to comply with the arrival but stay fast as long as I can.

3. If I am given "descend via ..." except maintain 290 kts, then I would maintain 290 kts over what is published on the arrival.

Like others said, I slow to 250 knots before I descend below 10,000.

That's the way I remember it. And flew it.
If controllers wanted me to keep speed up I would normally hear something like nxyz maintain 250 descend via 123 arrival delete the speeds.

If I'm assigned a speed and the arrival speeds are expect to I fly assigned speed

If assigned a speed and arrival speeds are limits not expects I fly arrival speeds unless specifically instructed to disregard.
Went to PHL on an arrival and we were told to resume the arrival but was given a 210 speed restriction before that. We asked the controller if he wanted 220 at the fix that called for it and he said no. He told us the chart is confusing and the speed restriction shouldn't even be there:dunno:
It's been 4-5 years at least since these 'descend via' arrivals and they're still ****ed up!