Is it OK


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
for a very frustrated controller at a major air show to exclaim "Hey, green RV, what the f@@@?" before taking a few seconds and getting back on script ... Ok, white high wing on downwind...

Hypothetically of course.

What other great ones did people hear?
At least that would that green RV's attention! :rofl:
It's not in the 7110.65, but perhaps the controller has cussing waiver for the duration of the show?
I heard that one in person and have heard it from three different people. Feels like it should be a T-shirt.

I did not hear but also had several people tell me - Great job, welcome to Fond-du-lac......just kidding, welcome to Oshkosh.
Has it hit youtube yet? That guy is going to be a legend. He'll probably have a booth next year selling autographs.
I'm pretty sure it was another pilot, not the controller, but it was still funny to hear.
When I was inbound to OSH before I've wanted to say that to A few RV pilots on the fisk approach too. Watching some other videos of arrivals RV pilots seem to generally be the perpetrators.

On my arrival I heard "Bill! Get your feet down BILL" Not really sure what was going on there.
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It is what it is,no pictures ,it didn't happen. Air shows bring out the best in some pilots.