This week on POA / As the Propeller Turns. Episode 7


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Episode 1
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Episode 5
Episode 6

This week's episode: "Monkey Business"

As the scene opens, we find ourselves on the east coast.
Eman1200 is skyping with someone. There's a 50/50 chance he has no pants on but we take our chances and peek over his shoulder.

Eman: I think that's a good idea Sac but how do we get the monkey here? You are 1000s of miles away.

Sac: Let me pull up Uber and see if 6PC is available to drive it.
Sac: Scratch that, I have a better idea. What if we use planes?

Voices in the background can be heard
"Get off that stupid thing and come here"
"yes seriously stop that nonsense"

Eman: What's that?

Sac zooms out so we can see a gaggle of spandex laden Asian women from various gyms and fast food joints begging him to get back in bed with them.

Sac: Cool it ladies, I will be right there

Sac: Hey Eman, I need to go

Eman: Alright Ciao

Sac: Ladies! Prepare my socks!

The ipad goes blank.

[2 days later]

A handful of the POA crew is in the small hangar because the main hangar has workers medeling with the laundry facility

TimWinters: Jesse, why are we in the cramped little hangar today anyway?

Jesse: The washer broke and flooded the main hangar. There is a problem with the spin cycle.

Anthony: I love the spin cycle

Spike: I have always hated the spin cycle on that thing.

T-Dub: I think we should just wire it so it skips the spin cycle completely

Jesse: You mean get rid of the spin cycle?
Spike: Genius!
Mari: I say lets do it. Lets see if we program it to skip the spin cycle
Mari: Jesse, how long do you think it will take to program it so the spin cycle is gone?
Jesse: I can have it done by the end of the year.

Anthony: Seriously? Why cant we just set it so some people that like the spin cycle can choose to use it and those that don't want a spin cycle can just skip it. I don't see why nobody gets a spin cycle.

Geico: I'm out!
AcroGimp: Me too. Out!

TimWinters. Wow... Lots of people just come to the airport to do laundry. That's jacked up.

EdFred: So wait, we are just going with "T-Dub" now? LIke we are just going straight to calling him that? Do we even know if T- Du.. Er I mean Troy I mean tango.... Eff it! Do we even know if he is okay with that nickname?

6PC: What's done is done

T-Dub: Do I get a say?

6PC: I wish I you did.

6PC: I have to go to the hangar next door and check on a couple little things in the washer before you guys make it so we can no longer use all of the possible laundry methods

[Phone rings It's Eman1200]

6PC: I got it

[We hear portions of the call]

6PC: Okay, A monkey though?
6PC: Ok, that's a lot of cocaine though
6PC: Sac???
6PC: Sure
6PC: No I don't think he's chinese I think he just likes eating Chinese
6PC: Yeah, I'm pretty clever
6PC: I had a friend that was chinese but he put Pee Pee in my coke
6PC: Um yes, I agree. That was bad. uh and yes, somewhat racist.
6PC: Ok, I gotta go, they are getting rid of the spin cycle

[Bry(i)an leaves]

[Not a moment later, 6PC comes rushing back into the hangar in hysterics]

6PC: Oh My God!!! Oh My God!!! Oh My God!!!

Tim Winters "What is it man? Did your dog die or something?
6PC: My Dog "Han Solo"? No he is fine. This is way worse!!!

6PC: There's a condom
[he can't catch his breath]

TimWinters: Wait, what a condom? What the hell?
6PC: [hyperventelating] I ... Saw.. A.... Condom when I went to the other hangar

TimWinters: Whats the big deal

6PC: You don't understand... Some dude was wearing it

[The door flies open]

Unregistered: Hey everyone!!!

EdFred: Who are you

Unregistered: Nevermind that. I am from Florida. My wife is asleep and I am here to get some strange.

Unregistered: You boys are cute!!!!!. Whose first? Time to Get my "New York on" if you know what I mean

Mari: This isn't new York.

Unregistered: Where is this?

SkyHog: Actually we aren't sure. Also, you can put that thing away.

Unregistered: How do you not know where you are?

SkyHog: Well. See, we were all flying and we fell asleep for like 9 hours.
Look, it was night time and we only had paper maps. It was VMC then IMC and then E=MC

Unregistered: Stop it You really don't know where you are?

Unregistered: Nevermind. I have a question for you. What is the perfect airplane for me?

SkyHog: What's your mission

Unregistered: I need stealth technology, Speed, Some sort of perfume removal feature.
Unregistered: Are there instruments that will tell me if a chick has the clap? That would be helpful. Or one that could monitor my wife's sleeping patterns?

sferguson524: Speaking of sleeping patterns. Lets say your wife was in bed with you but instead of being a grown woman, she was a little younger. Like I dunno, 16 months?

sferguson524: Now you have to get some sleep and want her out of your bed

MAKG1 [interrupting] I finally got my ticket wet

6PC well you will want to toss it in the washer now, they are getting rid of the

MAKG1 [interrupting] No, i flew in IMC

6PC: I thought you were already like a CFI, with all sorts of hours and advanced ratings.

MAKG1: No. I mean compared to you, I am way advanced but that has nothing to do with flying. And actually it does there too probably.

MAKG1: How's the Cirrus?

6PC: [Takes a drink of his Zima] and walks away mumbling

EdFred: Anyone else think it s odd that this story is called "Monkey Business" yet we have had barely any mention of the plight of the aforementioned monkey?

BryStephens: You are breaking the forth wall. Don't do that.

Spike: Who are you?

BryStephens: Oh sorry, New guy. Just call me "Bryan with a Y"

Spike: Errrr.... Um that might not go over well. We have someone like that?

Spike: You don't by chance fly a Cirrus and drink Zima?

BryStephens: No I don't. I actually happen to have the proper size genitalia for a grown man.

Spike: Ok, you will be fine then. Carry on.

[The phone rings again. Denver Pilot and Clark are drunk dialing random airports from Vegas]

[MAKG1 answers again we only hear his side of the conversation]

MAKG1: Ok I heard about the monkey
MAKG1: That's a lot of weed for a monkey
MAKG1: Probably Dallas. It is close enough proximity to Mexico
MAKG1: On the state level yes, on the federal level no
MAKG1: Are you even trying to get a Monkey to Eman, or just weed?
MAKG1: No. I don't think so. Ok. Ok.
MAKG1: The spin cycle
MAKG1: Can you believe it? After all these years. People are canceling their hangar leases over it.

MAKG1: You can give him the monkey but he is curled up in the corner mumbling about the neighbors in the hangar nextdoor and something about drinking what he wants and clear alcohol having less calories.

To Be Continued.....

We fade out as the phone conversation continues leading us to believe that we are going to get future editions that are much more monkey specific, possibly the Gaston's edition that is long overdue, and more answers about the fate of the spin cycle, this new Bryan with a Y, and more.

Tune in for week's episode: "POA Gift Exchange"
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Gold. And probably enough to run off the new Bryan ;-)
Gold. And probably enough to run off the new Bryan ;-)

Nah, it is impossible to spell your name that way and be bothered by mortal things. Probably won't even read it. I mean just look at that name... He's probably in bed with 3 models right now. :yes:
I picture myself as Rod Serling. All of my cameo appearances should be presented as such.
Nice episode! Looking forward to the next one. Not so sure about "Ed The Narrator" but I will give it a chance.

Use the street greeting tags to get anexponent

also alt+0178 on a winbox gets you a mc²
Use the street greeting tags to get anexponent

That could be too complicated for 6PC. I mean, the guy had to use thongs to pick up a used condom. He could have just gotten a glove.

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That could be too complicated for 6PC. I mean, the guy had to use tongs to pick up a used condom. He could have just gotten a glove.


True, I would have gotten a stick and not had to throw out a perfectly good set of thongs. Why someone would use a pair of their thongs to pick up a condom is beyond me.
True, I would have gotten a stick and not had to throw out a perfectly good set of thongs. Why someone would use a pair of their thongs to pick up a condom is beyond me.

It is strange. Can't say what is going on with him.

Go easy on the guy, it could be SOP in his household, male apparatus or anything associated with it gets handled with tongs. Who are we to judge?
Go easy on the guy, it could be SOP in his household, male apparatus or anything associated with it gets handled with tongs. Who are we to judge?

Good point PaulS. What you described though sounds quite painful. Don't want to think about that any more.

waaaaait, a minute...............'laundry'........'spin cycle'...........I think I see what you're doing there, ya crafty lil bugger you...............

'spin cycle', heh.
waaaaait, a minute...............'laundry'........'spin cycle'...........I think I see what you're doing there, ya crafty lil bugger you...............

'spin cycle', heh.

I see your "spin" on his story. yeah! LOL
Nah, it is impossible to spell your name that way and be bothered by mortal things. Probably won't even read it. I mean just look at that name... He's probably in bed with 3 models right now. :yes:
I noticed you left that gender neutral.
I noticed you left that gender neutral.

And species or even anything neutral.

I pictured a guy passed out with glue smeared on his chest, two unopened Revell boxes, a third torn opened with plastic parts strewn all over the bed and a ripped instruction sheet.
And species or even anything neutral.

I pictured a guy passed out with glue smeared on his chest, two unopened Revel boxes, a third torn opened with plastic parts strewn all over the bed and a ripped instruction sheet.
And as I pictured that scene you painted, somehow he/it was covered in chicken feathers. Damn, we're sick. I need some coffee!
And as I pictured that scene you painted, somehow he/it was covered in chicken feathers. Damn, we're sick. I need some coffee!

Feathers are from the exploded pillow. Don't ask how it exploded.
Oh Good God!!!!

Y'all are nuts.

And that's coming from me....
Ed and Henning are identical

Not even close. When I have story about what I did, I actually did it. I don't make **** up or pass off others' stories as my own. Also, I will never post a picture of a tranny and claim it's my downstairs neighbor that I'm banging.
I already sold the movie rights.

I didn't see the first one, so I certainly won't see this one. So the other character with Bryan will be Steingar, right?
I think if you're banging a tranny, technically, that would be a back door neighbor.
True, I would have gotten a stick and not had to throw out a perfectly good set of thongs. Why someone would use a pair of their thongs to pick up a condom is beyond me.

Thongs? I think he used tongs.




Any questions?