Taking an ATC controller flying

Martin Pauly

Line Up and Wait
PoA Supporter
Dec 27, 2011
Cedar Rapids, IA
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Martin Pauly
Our controller here at KCID are pretty cool - recently, one of them went flying with me and did the radio work, while giving some insights and pointers on what works well (and what doesn't). You may find some helpful ideas in this video.

PTAC was helpful. My clearance bugaboo is how to listen to an approach clearance to filter out the irrelevant stuff and remember what matters. "PTAC" will help.
too long.

if you've got any amount of decent radio work, this was mostly standard stuff. but still a good video as always.
Now, why didn't we have pastries in the video?

too long.

if you've got any amount of decent radio work, this was mostly standard stuff. but still a good video as always.

LOL - to each their own. Martin's videos are never too long.

I take them flying all the time as an incentive to get their ratings and also to show them how hard it can be sometimes to spot traffic.

Looks like the guy involved is a pilot too.
I’m wondering if an ATC Controller is like an ATM Machine. :)

Only if it is an Automated ATM Machine where you use your personal PIN number to get dollars money to buy a new vehicle with a different vehicle VIN number.
Actually, I have two of them, born at the same time and they will be 25 in December.
The same time? That had to hurt. Hope you take her for a nice lunch on Mothers day. ;)