Phraseology to visually avoid obstacles?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 25, 2010
St Charles, MO
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I was flying IFR this week (I'm relatively new at the game), and on two consecutive flights the controllers asked me a question that I had never heard before & it threw me for a loop. After asking them to "say again", and then asking for clarification, one of them rephrased the question but it was almost like he couldn't (or wasn't allowed to) more fully explain what he meant.

Basically, it sounded like he was asking me if I could maintain visual separation from nearby obstacles, but darn if I could figure out exactly what he was saying because it was phrased so oddly (at least in my opinion). Any of you controllers know what this could have been?
was it something along the lines of "are you able to maintain your own terrain and obstruction clearance between your present altitude and a climb to XXXX?"
was it something along the lines of "are you able to maintain your own terrain and obstruction clearance between your present altitude and a climb to XXXX?"

Yup common, especially in areas where the radar doesn't get very low.
Yup common, especially in areas where the radar doesn't get very low.

as a controller we cannot issue an altitude that does not meet the Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA). to keep it simple, unless the controller deems that a pilot is incapable of climbing to the appropriate MVA (due to cloud coverage/visibility which is where they would ask you that statement that i previously posted) some controllers issue an IFR clearance once the aircraft is airborne no matter what altitude they are at. personally i don't believe in that technique. whether it is VMC or IMC, and an aircraft wants his clearance in the sky, I ensure that they are at or above the MVA prior to issuing the clearance. it's about CYA and ensuring that in IFR flight you don't hit an obstacle. a lot of times a controller will tell you to climb VFR and eventually issue the IFR clearance. on the flip side, if the pilot states we are unable to climb VFR they will ask you "are you able to maintain your own terrain and obstruction clearance between your present altitude and a climb to 2500 (the MVA for that area). if the pilot says "no". there's only one option..."say intentions". hope that's what you're talking about!
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Most likely it's the situation AV mentioned above. Looking to pick up your IFR and you're below the MVA. Used to get it all the time even if I didn't mention anything about weather restricting my climb. ATC just cut through the BS and asked "Crusader31, can you maintain your own terrain and obstruction clearance until reaching 2,000 ft (MVA)." If the answer is yes "Crusader31, cleared to XYZ via..."

Not a lack of radar coverage either. They can see you below the MVA to a certain point. They just don't want any responsibility for you until you reach their MVA.
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And if it's IMC below MVA, before saying "yes" the pilot had better know where the terrain and obstructions are, and have a bulletproof plan worked out for how to avoid them!

When I have done this in the past, I have told the controller what my plan for terrain and obstruction avoidance was, just so they wouldn't have to worry about whether I was going to go "splat" on their shift.
That sounds like that could have been it...he said it so fast & I wasn't expecting it, nor had ever heard it before so it took me by surprise. Thanks, everyone, for the help!