Author John Ball

Half Fast

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 7, 2016
Central Florida
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Half Fast
Has anyone read any of John Ball's aviation books? I'm in the middle of Last Plane Out and it's quite good, so I'll likely try one or two more of his books.

Ball flew as a navigator in WWII with the Air Transport Command, ferrying cargo over "the Hump" from India into China. He remained active in aviation and held his commercial ticket. Consequently, the writing in Last Plane Out is believable and technically accurate.

If you'd like to read a good aviation novel, check it out.
He also wrote "Rescue Mission," which is unusual in that I think it's one of the few novels written with Civil Air Patrol pilots as the main characters (they have to patch up and fly a Constellation to evacuate a bunch of people from a hurricane-threatened island).

I see it's available on Kindle....

Ron Wanttaja