2010 condition report


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Runway is hard and dry, not a problem - just a bit bone-jarring on rollout, sort of washboardy. Needs a rain. Grass appeared adequately short, but I haven't walked it.

1030pm weather matches kbpk metar: clear, calm, high ceiling, good vis except the usual nighttime patchy fog close t/dp, there were isolated tz within 100mi radius til 8pm

Will try to report again <9am
Thanks Dave. I'm planning for a morning departure.
We're planning to launch around 9 and stop for lunch at Lambert's. Should get in to Gaston's around 2 or so.
630am Thursday
weather - perfect
runway - flawless. Grass must have been cut in last 3 days, its an even 3" all the way.
wet outside, decent ceiling and vis - best I can tell from the room.
I know we didn't have a soaking rain but will check things soon
Dave S, Felix and I are sitting at Cindi's waiting for that slow moving system to move on or weaken.
Dave S, Felix and I are sitting at Cindi's waiting for that slow moving system to move on or weaken.

Mmmmmm... Cindi's. Best Kosher Vietnamese deli ever!

Fly safe!
light rain, lowering ceilings, worse than rptd at bpk etc imo
Rwy is still great- firm.
no convectiveness noted
Steve, Kathleen, Mari and I are sitting in Dave and Spike's cabin waiting for the rain to pass.
Hi guys! Just wanted to mention for those of you who need to wait on 3M0 to air out after the rain you are more than welcome to hang out with some of the crew already here or Gaston's or ourselves will ferry you via vehicle to Gaston's and they will bring you back to BPK to get to your airplane. Please remember we are not on the main ramp at BPK, taxi up to the Big Blue Roof airline terminal looking building.

See you soon! Let me know if we can help. 870-481-6222

We also have hangar available at our HRO location if anyone needs it during the weekend.
noon Fri
rain ended, sky brightening but still ovc

rwy is wet but not soft, no standing water
I jambed my heel into the runway several locations, no impression.
probably got 1/4"
Partly sunny, warming up - 8mi vis? sctvbkn 1500

Thanks to Greg B for a wonderful ride in the 195!!
Morning dew on the grass will burn off soon. Saturday dawned sunny with scattered thin high clouds, est above 12k.
Beautiful day! Exceeds last night's tafs considerably!
No rain last night.

Too quiet though, been cooling heels since 6. Spike and I will be in his bird for an hour or so, shortly.