1952 Cessna 195 A - $85,000 (Thomson) Georgia


Final Approach
Mar 4, 2020
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Dale Andee
Not mine - From Craigslist (FWIW) ...

1952 Cessna 195 A - $85,000 (Thomson)

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Probably could be had for half of that price. But might be a steal for the right price provided you can stomach the repairs
Hasn't flown since late 80's. Allegedly left full of mogas..... Guy lost hangar and imo its worth $25k. Maybe.
The seller is in for a surprise then when he can’t sell it
And sometimes u want a fixer upper. I can see the beauty within this man maker however I have a beer budget.
No personal experience but I've read that those old radial engines would use/leak about two quarts of oil per hour ... :eek:
I love the look of that plane. Something about radial engines...

Still, if it hasn't flown since the 80's, it's little better than a paper-weight. It even may not be repairable.
Beautiful 1952 Cessna 195A (all original) TTA 3500 TTE275 (245HP) HEAVY straight gear, & Goodyear's. Pre-1980s radios(2 navcoms, transponder Lear ADF.) unferryable, last flown late 1980s. Been hangered in dry storage & pulled thru; a maintaince and refurb project: not a resto. Losing the Hanger soon ; Asking Price $85,000.00 receptive to offers, motivated seller, MESSAGE IF INTERESTED. this is my fathers plane. He's owned it since before I was born. This plane means a lot to me personally but it's time to pass it on to someone who will take care of it. thank y'all and God Bless.

Huh. So this aircraft has sat for ~35 years. Have to wonder if there is a waiting list for hangars at Thomson-McDuffie Regional Airport, and if this 195A was occupying a space a flyable aircraft could have used.

Interesting that it's called "a maintenance and refurb project," and "not a resto." Maybe in the unlikely event you were successful in keeping bugs, birds, mice, and other vermin out, along with any kind of condensation. Not to mention, whatever was wrong with it when it was parked in the first place. Seems a little bit of wishful thinking to imagine that someone is going to do some "maintenance and refurb" and be good to go.

"It's time to pass it on to someone who will take care of it." Nope. The time to pass it along was shortly after it was parked in the late 80s. Not sure what the right timeframe was, but I'd say at ~35 years, you're long past.

"thank y'all and God Bless." Everyone's experience is different. My experience has been to be wary of anyone who brings religion into a business transaction.
there's no reason to throw it out, guys... :rolleyes2:
Hard to say over a distance what's needed to get it flying again.
I love the look of that plane. Something about radial engines...

Still, if it hasn't flown since the 80's, it's little better than a paper-weight. It even may not be repairable.
That would be a shame. What a beautiful aircraft this is.

That said, I certainly wouldn't want to be the first to take it up after the overhaul if it hasn't flown in 35 years.
In a world of 100k skyhawks from the Carter era, this seems like a real worthy one to save.
Yeah, but unless the market has changed drastically in the last ten years, that price is a bit unrealistic, in my semi-educated opinion.
No personal experience but I've read that those old radial engines would use/leak about two quarts of oil per hour ... :eek:
A decent overhaul by Air Repair in Cleveland Mississippi solves that problem. But in the case of this particular airplane it would probably be more than that. BTDT
It needs a good inspection but it could be a nice project airplane. $85k appears steep compared to airworthy options though.
$85k appears steep compared to airworthy options though.

Perhaps he knows that dad's plane ain't gonna sell for that much ...

"Asking Price $85,000.00 receptive to offers, motivated seller, MESSAGE IF INTERESTED."
Offer $15k, gas her up, let her rip. It’s a friggin One Ninety Five, maine! Knock the rust off the rings and go spank it! Taxi up to the ramp like a bad-a muther, and get some!!!!
Offer $15k, gas her up, let her rip. It’s a friggin One Ninety Five, maine! Knock the rust off the rings and go spank it! Taxi up to the ramp like a bad-a muther, and get some!!!!

Sounds like "back in the day" as a young teenager when we would go to buy an old used/junk car. Take a few gallons of gasoline, some sandpaper to clean the plugs, points, rotor, distributor cap contacts and the battery cables. Dump some gas in the tank, a slosh a tad in the carb, hook up the jumper cables and fight with it until it lit off, then drive it home ...
Weird coincidence. I live in Central California but over a year ago I flew my homebuilt on a bucket list trip to the east coast and back. I got stuck in Thompson Georgia for four days and saw this plane while I was there. Of all the gin joints....
Sounds like "back in the day" as a young teenager when we would go to buy an old used/junk car. Take a few gallons of gasoline, some sandpaper to clean the plugs, points, rotor, distributor cap contacts and the battery cables. Dump some gas in the tank, a slosh a tad in the carb, hook up the jumper cables and fight with it until it lit off, then drive it home ...
Too poor for starting fluid, eh? :)