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  1. S

    Anyone heard of this?

    Yes. Los Angeles area
  2. S

    Anyone heard of this?

    Obviously this is in CA with Prop. 13. My mother passed away a few years ago. My siblings and I were able to take ownership and sell her home without paying any capital gains on it. She bought it in 1973. It was our childhood home. So the appreciation, while not quite as much as you posted...
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    Finally restarted my flying lessons.

    They have a couple SIMS, a TD2 and a Redbird FMX. I haven't used either or asked about them so don't know their position on SIM training.
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    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    This was rehearsal. Not sure that qualifies as "on camera."
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    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    Relatively new around here so haven't read this entire thread. Don't know if this has been posted. For anyone interested, here are the union safety guidelines re: all sorts of things including firearms: Plenty of blame to...
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    What kept you going through training?

    Simple. I want to fly. If that desire dissipates before I complete my PPL I will quit. As long as that desire exists I will continue on.
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    Finally restarted my flying lessons.

    I'm a student pilot out of KAPA (Centennial). Not sure if that is too far for you travel for your lessons but I've been very happy with the school I'm working out of. They also have a school up at KBJC (Broomfield).
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    Using Foreflight as a Student Pilot

    Student pilot here. My instructor recommended the opposite of yours - that I start learning foreflight as soon as possible. My instructor is 24 years old. I wonder if age has something to do with it. Just getting in to learning the manual stuff. Don't see knowing FF as a disadvantage but...
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    Any regrets moving up to better plane

    Still a student pilot so limited frame of reference. Train primarily in 172's and am totally happy with them. An opportunity came up to buy in to a 182 that has 4 other owners so I took it and have it waiting for me when I get my PPL/endorsement. My primary consideration wasn't speed but...
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    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Update: Passed my stage check last week and flew my first solo today. Just a couple touch and go's but still very satisfying to reach this milestone.
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    Finding Downwind Struggle/Sweat

    One of the things I'm thankful for in training out of a very busy GA airport (KAPA) is that we get many variations of instructions from ATC. I feel like I'll be prepared to land at almost any airport after training here. This past Sunday I had my pre solo stage check (passed) and it was the...
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    Talking on the radio improvements

    To original poster, man I could have written the exact same post a year ago. Talking on the radio is one of the scariest/most overwhelming parts of learning to fly. Not only do you have to listen carefully and craft an appropriate response/read back for ATC but you also are aware that you're...
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    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    First post. Seems like good enough thread to post in. Took about 2 years to get my medical (special issuance) and have been slowly training for the last 14 months. I seem to be a slow learner unfortunately. Getting close to my first solo.