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  1. ActiveAir

    Aftermath of last night’s thunderstorm at MKC

    Kansas weather! Don't like it? Wait 15 minutes. They get a little bit of everything Mother nature can throw. Bummer to see those planes like that.
  2. ActiveAir

    Another one down.

    no fire?
  3. ActiveAir


    No fire/minimal fire. Hope he didn't push a low fuel situation trying to get to cheap gas. At 2 in the afternoon and with enough wind to just make it a little bouncy, it would have been an interesting ride. I fly in there a lot. Wouldn't have been too difficult with that plane's...
  4. ActiveAir


    This was a very cool description and nailed it! Thanks!
  5. ActiveAir


    Yep, she has pretty eyes along with a beautiful smile!
  6. ActiveAir


    Had to explain that one, thanks, lol. Self-explanatory, lol. Scary thought! Or 6th date, but yeah... Yep!!!, I'll leave that one alone out of the kiss and tell category... Laughed hardest at second line...but first one holds true many times.. Right? Sunset...
  7. ActiveAir


    Lol, no comment, other than the girl is stunning... Yes, I am extraordinarily lucky! Lol... Interesting... Is there a plane in that picture? Yep! She checks all the boxes! She is much more than a trainer, lol! ?? Scary. Maybe would apply if we were married? j/k.....sorta...
  8. ActiveAir


  9. ActiveAir

    My 1st and preferably the last VFR into IMC

    Good that you are trying to learn, but you are very lucky. This is the stuff that kills people and I am surprised at the other experienced pilots that are making light of it. This is very serious. Don't think that because you and the weak CFI got out of it, that you can be so casual and lucky...
  10. ActiveAir

    2021 Calendar

    Ordered mine. Shipping options are crazy like the Comanche in that Jan. pic. :)
  11. ActiveAir

    First time in the clouds and I gave up

    I prefer flying in actual way more than the damn foggles. I hate those things. The IR has saved so many flights for me that would have grounded or diverted a VFR only pilot, when the conditions were pretty benign (thin layers). Flying into the clouds is fun, especially with pax who have never...
  12. ActiveAir

    Hollywood Sightseeing Flight Goes Wrong...

    Glad nothing feel out and the plane wasn't damaged (it appears). I could feel your anxiety about anything falling out. The experience did suck on a few levels. I had my door pop open once on my Comanche, the first time that I flew it solo. Until then, the instructor had been closing and...
  13. ActiveAir

    High time engine affect on overall value?

    Looking at insurance aspects. Want to be cost effective but not under-insure.
  14. ActiveAir

    High time engine affect on overall value?

    What signs were the engine speaking to you?
  15. ActiveAir

    High time engine affect on overall value?

    How much should a high time engine (at TBO 2000 hrs. - IO 540) affect an airplane's value regarding insurance value and sale price? Engine still has high compressions and borescope looks good, after mostly been flown at 65% hp and LOP. Plane otherwise has nice upgraded avionics and new OH on 3...
  16. ActiveAir

    Video of emergency landing, lucky pilot walks away Upland, CA 6.24.2020

    Not a lot of options for landing out at that airport, either. If the circumstances stated above are true, he actually did a hell of a job of staying alive.
  17. ActiveAir

    Video of emergency landing, lucky pilot walks away Upland, CA 6.24.2020

    Yep, good points. Guess I will keep my day job of not being a reporter. Glad he survived. I commented on another forum that I wondered if it was mechanical. Great that you got all the facts so quickly.
  18. ActiveAir

    Video of emergency landing, lucky pilot walks away Upland, CA 6.24.2020

    Crazy ride, but he survives and flies it to the end. News helo catches it on video. At some point, you have to go around, which may not have been possible in this situation. Edited thread title and...
  19. ActiveAir

    Moving to Lancaster, CA, can anyone give me a PIREP on the area?

    Most of the above is true and accurate. Lancaster has a CA state prison and so there are a lot of ex-cons and families of cons living there. Get used to flying in turbulence. It will be thermal turb during the warm months and wind in the other months. Many days, the best flying is in the...
  20. ActiveAir

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    So, when will it be ready for the mass market?