Search results

  1. Roger Wilco

    Life-Changing Bands (or Songs)

    In observance of Memorial Day: Roger Waters' father, Lt. Eric Fletcher Waters, was killed in action at Anzio, 18 February, 1944. Although (Roger) Waters was only 5 months old, his father's death had a profound influence on him that can be heard on every Pink Floyd album. After listening to...
  2. Roger Wilco

    SCAM Warning

    Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to spread the word. I’m sorry that you were scammed, and hope that the stark fist of karma finds the scumbag who took your money.
  3. Roger Wilco

    Which light planes are best for....

    If I recall correctly, the certification basis for FIKI in light GA aircraft was introduced in the late 70's (1977 or 78). Therefore, planes with de-ice/anti-ice equipment built before then are not officially FIKI but have essentially the same practical capability, which is to say, they allow...
  4. Roger Wilco

    Which light planes are best for....

    That's great news. Some enjoy buying a solid but tired/outdated airframe and rebuilding it with the goal of creating their perfect airplane. Others prefer to buy airplanes that previous owners have already refurb'd with everything the buyer wants and are ready to fly right away...
  5. Roger Wilco

    Which light planes are best for....

    Bell206 estimated 1/3 more time for a twin compared to a single, which seems reasonable. It may also be helpful to consider the (often seriously underestimated) time and effort required to find and obtain parts and have components repaired/overhauled. Since most of the light twin fleet is more...
  6. Roger Wilco

    Getting share price down for flying clubs

    Well well well…it seems that I have a doppelgänger. Unfortunately this Roger Wilco has no experience running a flying club either. But you might reconsider your moniker so as to avoid any confusion with yours truly—what with my being the object of much loathing and derision.
  7. Roger Wilco

    How far back can you pull your prop?

    The Lycoming O-360 series are generally considered to be reliable engines. Whether they are "good enough to justify the cost" depends on what you consider to be a justification, for your airplane and your intended use. There are many alternative engine possibilities (I assume you use the term...
  8. Roger Wilco

    How far back can you pull your prop?

    The AFM or POH contains published limitations, prohibitions, and restrictions established for the engine and propeller. So long as you do not exceed a limitation and remain outside any restricted or prohibited RPM range, you could "pull back" the RPM to the mechanical limit of the propeller...
  9. Roger Wilco

    Propellers driving me True-ly nuts, any help?

    Big "you're welcome" BenFI. I wish training focused more on how to get the most out of our propellers by teaching us the way in which the engine and propeller function as a single propulsive unit, instead of dwelling on the invisible monkey motion that occurs inside the governor and hub.
  10. Roger Wilco

    Filing and flying IFR without Instrument Rating

    Best answer. This specimen represents a deadly combination of Dunning-Kruger effect, arrogance, and bad judgment. An emergency revocation would not be too harsh, IMO.
  11. Roger Wilco

    Propellers driving me True-ly nuts, any help?

    Hello BenF, I'm pretty slow on the keyboard, so several others have answered your questions while I was typing this...and making coffee. Nonetheless, I'll post anyway. Propellers and their aerodynamic properties are complicated and often misunderstood. Fortunately it's not necessary to be an...
  12. Roger Wilco

    New to tent camping, need ideas for possible Sun n fun

    1). Tie downs: The video in post #2 was interesting and informative. While the tests did not simulate the kind of cyclical loads likely to be encountered as the airplane rocks and yaws in strong, gusty winds, or the effectiveness of the anchors in different types of soil, it does give us a...
  13. Roger Wilco

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    Yes, the fading glow of dusk.
  14. Roger Wilco

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    My favorite pic of my favorite airplane. Meant to include it in post #81 but couldn't locate it then.
  15. Roger Wilco

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    And don't forget to flip the switch.
  16. Roger Wilco

    Boeing’s on a streak...

    I re-read your previous posts and what I found were not experiences, but opinions ("...eclipsed the MCAS issue in my opinion"). Some of us make the distinction. That said, PoA is an internet forum. Anyone may opine, nothing is at stake, and nothing is totally on me, you, or anyone else. As...
  17. Roger Wilco

    Boeing’s on a streak...

    You alleged that Airbus has committed acts of malfeasance comparable to Boeing's MCAS scandal, and further, that Airbus aircraft were subject to some sort of alpha floor problem that was even more egregious than MCAS. I asked for specifics; you replied with generalities. I asked for links to...
  18. Roger Wilco

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    Over the years I’ve captured a lot of aviation-related moments on camera. Here are a few that happen to reside on this phone (and probably can’t be used against me at an inquiry or hearing).
  19. Roger Wilco

    Boeing’s on a streak...

    Airbus has certainly engaged in plenty of bribery and corruption, but those sins, as I understand them, are related to selling airplanes and not designing and certificating them. I'd like to learn more. Since these issues never became global headlines, perhaps you can point me toward a good...
  20. Roger Wilco

    Multi-engine VMC Handling

    If I were smart, I could have made the point in one brief paragraph. But I'm glad that you found the perspective useful and appreciate the feedback.