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  1. D

    Boeing’s on a streak...

    Saw someone post something on Twitter pointing out some recent issues with Boeing aircraft. I think he posted 4 so I did a screenshot of FlightRadar showing the US and all flights broadcasting at that time. That said, Boeing needs to put airplane people back in charge rather than bean counters...
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    7/8/23: Bizjet down F70 (French Valley CA)

    I looks as though the PAX were not wearing seat belts.
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    Something going on around DC

    Given the description of one of the F16 pilots I am now not so sure you had rapid cabin depressurization. In the Payne Stewart intercept, the pilots could not see inside the aircraft because the windows were fogged/iced over. In this one, the intercept pilot describes the pilot as being slumped...
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    Something going on around DC

    Also mentions just a single pilot, not a flight crew. Is that normal procedure for a Citation?
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    Crews find wreckage where aircraft carrying 3 people crashed off San Clemente Island (CA)

    I know part of their mission is to simulate a cruise missile attack, so they can be flying very low at times.
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    Small plane buzzes boaters in Colorado before crashing

    Darwin missed an opportunity there.
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    Arrow on the beach Carlsbad. Everyone out OK.

    Actually, he landed in the water. Fortunately the aircraft is a retractable.
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    Yet another deadly crash in Nepal

    I have read she had over 6,400 hours and was getting to 100 hours as FO for Yeti. Not sure what she had in type or if she worked for another airline before signing with Yeti.
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    Yet another deadly crash in Nepal

    I read on another board that the copilot was doing a check ride for her captain's rating. Her husband was a copilot for the same airline and died in a crash some 16 years previously.
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    Yet another deadly crash in Nepal

    Witnesses have stated that some passengers survived the initial impact, but could not be rescued because of the post crash fire.
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    B17 crash at Dallas.

    Damn. Hate to see something like this.
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    Fatal: walked into prop

    When I was a student, my CFI taught me the same thing and to always exit to the rear of the aircraft. When I first soloed, he got out with the engine running and that still made me nervous. The guy I bought my company from had a tenant in his hangar with a T-28. He also had a Jack Russell...
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    Czech Mate - Sherman Smoot

    Back when I flew I always told myself that there was no going back until I reached the point where I had the altitude to turn crosswind. I had a nice big road, albeit going uphill, just past the airport fence that I could land on with just a slight turn to port.
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    Cessna 195 / El Cajon CA

    Used to be a beautiful 195 across from my hangar. Guy flared too high and totaled the aircraft.
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    Plane crash Gillespie Field, San Diego

    At pattern height? Perhaps though I have watched these guys do it at daytime in jets and felt it was a bit risky. At half patter height, at night and in bad weather, well that is asking a lot of the plane and your skills.
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    Plane crash Gillespie Field, San Diego

    I'd prefer to get this thread back on tract. If you want to debate on San Diego traffic somewhere else please do so. I don't now much about traffic in this town, just have spent some 61 years living here.
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    Plane crash Gillespie Field, San Diego

    UPS' main distribution center for San Diego, is in Chula Vista. In or out from here, it goes through Chula Vista first. Not sure about FedEx. Would you consider Northbound on 4:21 PM on December 30th to be indicative of the usual traffic on the 5 or 805?
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    Plane crash Gillespie Field, San Diego

    Sorry, meant the A-1.
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    Plane crash Gillespie Field, San Diego

    With no traffic. Otay is right in between two of the top 3 border crossings in the US. I live here. Going North/South is much worse than East/West for the most part in San Diego. Again, there has been some discussion of moving more freight through SDM to take pressure off of SAN. However, the...