Search results

  1. W

    Funny/Sad Mooney Tiktok

    YouTube post from same guy.
  2. W

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    It’s not the only one. Also not the one I was looking for, the 2002 AD changed the ruddervator balance requirements to a much narrower range than previously prescribed. At least in part because a guy had a flutter event with the ruddervator inside of, but at the very aft end of the factory...
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    Low-cost, portable CO detector?

    I have this one. It picked up CO from a blown exhaust manifold for me.
  4. W

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup Flutter destroyed a few early tails.
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    Accidentally answered no to 18w on FAA medical… what now?

    I always assumed it was a TSA or DEA thing.
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    Juxtaposed Threads Thread

  7. W

    Thank goodness for ADS-B in and Foreflight

    I’ve been in the process of resurrecting one of those hangar queens (my father’s Bonanza), and have flown about 20 hours in it this year negative ADSB. There’s a Mooney that I run into all the time locally who’s also flying unequipped. While I do intend to equip ADSB as my second priority...
  8. W

    Complex/High Performance aircraft questions

    If you wanted/POH calls for 23 inches for your climb power in a naturally aspirated complex aircraft, then yes that is how you would achieve it as MP drops with altitude. The 182RG I did training in called for 23 inches and 2400 RPM in climb. Taking off from around 1000 feet we’d have...
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    Pilatus PC-12 down near San Angelo,TX

    It’s part of the ADSB broadcast for some avionics stacks.
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    Quality of Flight School Aircraft

    A new squawk every 2 hours seems like a lot to me.
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    Avgas prices coming down, too

    Rude. Lol
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    Registration questions

    Don't Mode S transponders transmit identifying information?
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    How to do a Lien Release?

    Mine doesn't.
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    Route suggestions, Boise to Dallas...

    The confusion is that the route you posted never comes within 250 miles of Boise. Boise is Southern Idaho, your route goes through Cour d'Alene in the northern panhandle.