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  1. G

    What is night?

    Great link, thanks for sharing!
  2. G

    Sea plane landings - who governs the water ?

    You may want to check out the Seaplane Pilots Association or the Seaplane Foundation's Water Landing Directory (mobile app too) which may or may not cover your local bodies of water and known restrictions, etc.
  3. G

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Anyone handy with making a composite in Photoshop? This should fix the diagram...
  4. G

    Ownership economics question

    Thanks to everybody for the clarification about $40/hour being a rule-of-thumb or guideline vs. a figure that could vary based on a number of factors (and I appreciate the suggestions for different methodologies and where to source current maintenance cost info). This place is great! Sorry for...
  5. G

    Ownership economics question

    Following this thread out of interest. Is this a widely accepted "rule of thumb" (close enough +/- to apply to most general aviation aircraft) or just a figure you calculated for the particular aircraft you're considering?
  6. G

    Negative Southwest, the pattern is full

    Thank you very much!
  7. G

    Negative Southwest, the pattern is full

    Where did this overlay image come from? The bottom of that dip seems lower than 200 feet (to me) but maybe there is some foreshortening happening from the perspective angle playing tricks on my eyes. I believe LGA tower is 233 feet tall.
  8. G

    Helicopter vs airplane

    Hopefully not this...
  9. G

    Fatal: walked into prop

    Not trying to get too graphic, but how do they know the person was struck exactly twice by the prop? Were there only 2 visible injuries, 2 audible thuds, or are they actually saying the person was hit by the prop once, then was struck again after initial impact (while stumbling forward, etc.)...
  10. G

    DA62 makes emergency landing on Dallas street

    How are the planes that are obviously not total losses "recovered" (removed from the road and relocated to a nearby hangar, repair shop, etc.) in situations like these? Are they partially disassembled and transported on trucks? Air crane (helicopter)? Is the choice up to the pilot/owner or...
  11. G

    Caption this Pic

    Too soon!
  12. G

    Summit Point TFR?

    You must not be familiar with this series. :)
  13. G

    Summit Point TFR?

    Doesn't the Secret Service (or other law enforcement agencies) do diplomat/defensive driving training there? Could also be related to State of the Union Address?
  14. G

    Kathryn's Report

    This is the method I use. You can generally view RSS feeds in any RSS viewer for your operating system (mobile or computer) or even connect to them in some email client software.
  15. G

    Let’s say you get intercepted by F16’s…

    Per National Geographic interview with Heather “Lucky” Penney, the aircraft were not armed (no time to wait), and the plan was she would ram the tail while her commanding officer would ram the cockpit of Flight 93.
  16. G

    Windy + flight planner plugin

    When you say Windy, are you referring to Windy or
  17. G

    Garmin database filtering out private airports

    Does this mean there are fewer Garmin Autoland locations available (vs. private air fields potentially within glide range).
  18. G

    Pushing/ pulling on the prop

    If not for outright liability purposes, such a sticker may be intended to reduce warranty claims, finger-pointing, etc.
  19. G

    GoPro prices?

    +1 on pricing and improvements over Hero 5.
  20. G

    Penile implants and the FAA?

    Would this enhancement be considered 'retractable gear'? ;) Sorry, I have nothing serious to offer the OP, but I would hope the FAA is implant-agnostic. :D