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  1. O

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Mark who?
  2. O

    Empty cargo planes roam the skies

    Sweep flights were real when I retired. I expect they’re still used these days, for reasons previously mentioned. Easier and cheaper to start with an oversized aircraft(for the local market), and route it to allow drop-in coverage for several additional markets at a relatively small cost to...
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    Want to take off differently, any advice?

    If you are worried now, on the ground, at ground speed zero about what direction turn you’re able and willing to make departing into marginal vfr, you’ve got no business flying in actual instrument conditions. What will you do when weather and traffic and ATC airspace requirements force you to...
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    Advanced Avionics vs. Conventional instruments

    No, it doesn’t point to a training culture issue. Initial training must ensure that pilots are proficient in the operation and use of all available systems. Recurrent training reinforces proper procedures, systems knowledge and operations and crew coordination. The required maneuvers during...
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    Advanced Avionics vs. Conventional instruments

    Hey, the GFC-500 gives 55 year old GA SE airplanes capabilities that some airliners didn’t have 15 years ago.
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    Advanced Avionics vs. Conventional instruments

    I’m not making any argument at all. You’re missing the point completely. In your own words, “technology is supposed to enhance and supplement performance, not replace it”. What I’ve said is that I have observed, over many flights, and many years, a degradation of basic piloting skills because...
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    Advanced Avionics vs. Conventional instruments

    No argument involved. Not a false narrative. And not at all amusing. Observations made over decades of working with pilots and seeing that the max use of automation over time made for autopilot cripples, to the point that some started to show degradation in their physical piloting skills...
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    Advanced Avionics vs. Conventional instruments

    I used to fly B-52’s and B-1’s years ago. I’ve been flying since 1976. I’ve witnessed the steady march of technological advancement over the years. Growing up with very basic instruments and learning and using all those new technologies as they were introduced has given me a...
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    Upgrading Saratoga panel

    What, no clock?
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    Fly by wire and EMP

    Research Starfish Prime. Research Soviet Test 184. Optimum altitude is 300-400 nm high. Oddly, a bigger bomb is not better for a pure EMP attack. A nuke used for an actual targeted strike will produce emp, but even an air burst at 10,000 ft is too low for a serious Compton effect magnification...
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    Wild IFR question that popped in my head...

    Relationship? The FAA motto covers that: “We’re not happy, until you’re not happy”. or, alternately, “To err is human. To forgive is not FAA Policy”. Seriously, though, maintain straight and level flight. Tell the controller what happened. Request vector to the nearest suitable airfield...
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    Fly by wire and EMP

    They’re not at all protected. Neither are any vehicles built after about 1984. Neither are any of our national power grids. Happy new year.
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    NA - Living trust for real estate

    Privacy. Stepped-up valuation of your property upon the death of the first trustor. No probate on any real property held within the trust.
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    What do I do with the remainder of the beef tenderloin?

    Christmas gift for the family dog?
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    long term effects of being an airline pilot

    Chances are your children will never know that soap comes in big bars, too.
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    Long haul flying - what a PITA

    33.8 hours. One takeoff. One landing. Four 120K pound air refuelings. 18 hours due-regard over the ocean. All while wearing 8 pounds of helmet and 45 pounds of parachute. Quit whining. You’re building your hours for upgrade… Now, where’d I put my walker… As for the GA side, buy a 210...
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    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    build back better.
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    Pilot Tasks - What do you focus on too much, or find yourself forgetting to do?

    Prioritize to reduce distractions. Aviate. Navigate. Communicate.
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    Hot or Not?

    I’d rather ride the horses.
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    Less flaps for XWind landings

    KISS. No flaps. Higher IAS. More rudder capability.