Search results

  1. Lon Stratton

    A revolutionary way to fly a helicopter (and soon planes?)

    There are a few comments asking "what happens WHEN the system fails?"
  2. Lon Stratton

    I Believe We Are Doing This Wrong

    Also, just economy of scale. How many airplane engines are made compared to automobile engines?
  3. Lon Stratton

    PA28 down near Ann Arbor, Michigan
  4. Lon Stratton

    C29 Middleton Muni/Morey Field PIREP

    Flown in to C29 many times, but always get picked up by family. Super nice laid back people. Right off the highway.
  5. Lon Stratton

    Which Engine Oil Analysis?

    Blackstone.... because I started with Howard Fenton and he sold his business to Blackstone.
  6. Lon Stratton

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    Not sure how many hours you have, but learning how to handle wind now will pay off big in the future. I had an incident (damaged an old 172) right after I got my Private because I didn't know how to land in wind. When I became an instructor I would almost never cancel a lesson because of wind...
  7. Lon Stratton

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    All of this, except 3" Kershaw with drop point
  8. Lon Stratton

    Epley field

    Not even going to make the buff out joke. That's terrible.
  9. Lon Stratton

    Site very slow

  10. Lon Stratton

    No delay

    I have five of his cassette tapes. I love that he would use Jeff Cooper as a reference in his speech "Effective Mental Conditioning" Need to digitize those things. Funny and informative.
  11. Lon Stratton

    Engine rebuilds - how many times?

    Also, there may be case modifications that could be a benefit. I adhered to the "overhaul twice" rule. But I agree, the Rebuilt prices are insane. I watched the price increase almost 20% while I was waiting over a year for mine (ordered in 2021). At the current price for my engine, I would...
  12. Lon Stratton

    Bad aviation journalism thread

    Clearly written by an AI program.
  13. Lon Stratton

    Lindberg's Final Landing Spot

    Only 72.
  14. Lon Stratton

    Concrete circles marking old airfields

    On the U.S. Canada border in Michigan
  15. Lon Stratton

    Masters of the Air--coming to Apple TV

    All Apple TV shows are like that. They stretch out what should be "movie" length stories into several excruciating episodes.
  16. Lon Stratton

    Masters of the Air--coming to Apple TV

    "Napoleon" should've been titled "Josephine"
  17. Lon Stratton

    Spark plug anti seize question.

    Maybe it destroys the mixing ball...:cool:
  18. Lon Stratton

    Spark plug anti seize question.

    My bottles said "Champion". Same stuff. Notice it also says "Do not freeze" on the black stuff bottles.
  19. Lon Stratton

    Spark plug anti seize question.

    I used to use that same stuff until my mechanic mentioned how much he hated it. He uses this stuff....