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  1. Rex Kramer

    Tracking Centerline On Visual Approach - Conflicting Methods

    It does? I've never noticed. I land wing low every crosswind. Only when the wind is really blowing do I need to leave some of the crab in, as well.
  2. Rex Kramer

    Tracking Centerline On Visual Approach - Conflicting Methods

    From the 152 I learned in, to the 545,000lb landing weight B773 to yes, even the Airbus... Point the nose into the wind to control the drift down final, just like anyone would do when trying to maintain a constant ground track. That doesn't meas "use just the rudder" like the OP's misguided...
  3. Rex Kramer

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    BTW it has been hysterical seeing a bunch of people who own and/or fly light aircraft complaining about "shortcomings" as if they don't deal with those issues with the planes they fly. :)
  4. Rex Kramer

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    Anyone I know that has these things didn't really buy one to save money or the world. They are just flat out fun cars to drive, especially the 3. Now, I only have about 1,000mi on mine so I'm still new, but it can get me through my 220mi round trip to work while sitting in the parking lot for a...
  5. Rex Kramer

    STAR gone too far?

    oh FFS.....
  6. Rex Kramer

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    That is gorgeous!
  7. Rex Kramer

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    You posted a pic of the new colors.. or at least Elon's... on our company forums didn't you? That looked good!
  8. Rex Kramer

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    Late to the party here (y'all talk a lot). Ordered one in late Dec. Picking it up next week. Model 3 Performance in blue. Tired of black and gray cars. Didn't think the red was worth the premium and thought the blue goes well with the darker gray wheels and door handles. Skipping the FSD...
  9. Rex Kramer

    Jet Blue Tailstrike

    Don't bother.. no one believes that. I'm guessing because I wasn't there, but for whatever reason the bus didn't know the king air was inbound until about rotation time... and seeing a plane 2.5-3.0 mi heading right at you could result in a rush to get airborne.. hence the tail strike.
  10. Rex Kramer

    Is it normal to still have occasional bad landings as a private pilot?

    You mean the Expressway Visual? The Stadium Visual is for EWR. Yeah sorry for the anal response. I live in the NYC airspace. Btw the Expressway Vis to 31 has an RNAV... it's damn near boring. I definitely hear you, though. There are several airports where I basically say "Ok I'm going...
  11. Rex Kramer

    Is it normal to still have occasional bad landings as a private pilot?

    I took off behind a 787 out of SEA. Required spacing and all that. Hit the wake from their left wing at about 800ft or so. It's an unnerving feeling to have full left aileron applied while the airplane still rolls right. Pitched down to duck out of it and gain some speed and went on our way...
  12. Rex Kramer

    Descent Rate on Glide Slope

    I'm definitely lost in the numbers world of airline flying, but I don't get the desire to breakdown this... just look out the window.
  13. Rex Kramer

    Is it normal to still have occasional bad landings as a private pilot?

    If I see 000/00 on the ATIS I know the landing is going to suck. Way too calm for a nice landing.
  14. Rex Kramer

    Is it normal to still have occasional bad landings as a private pilot?

    Fortunately for me the bus is a pussycat for the most part. I routinely get "that's the smoothest landing I've ever seen" from pax. Uhhhh yeah...surely it's all me.. it's not that soft landing gear underneath you... :D
  15. Rex Kramer

    Is it normal to still have occasional bad landings as a private pilot?

    Funny, I was thinking of LGA specifically when I wrote my earlier post. My FO flew in last time. Set it down kind of hard and it was perfect.
  16. Rex Kramer

    Descent Rate on Glide Slope

    This right here.
  17. Rex Kramer

    Descent Rate on Glide Slope

    Take your groundspeed and divide it by 2 and add a zero. (or multiply by 5) 100kts 500fpm 70kts 350pm etc That's the VS needed for a 3deg path.
  18. Rex Kramer

    I just made the classic British mistake.

    I thought the OP got involved in a land war in Asia.
  19. Rex Kramer

    Is it normal to still have occasional bad landings as a private pilot?

    I have about 16,000-17,000hrs or so and I can still pull off bad landings. Bad in the sense that it wasn't as smooth as I wanted for the conditions or I let myself float more than I wanted to (a HUGE pet peeve of mine). Sometimes, however, a smooth landing isn't a good landing. Runway length...