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  1. Pugs

    I Hate Enterprise

    . We had the same wagon on our honeymoon in France.
  2. Pugs

    Spatial Disorientation

    The boat at night, no moon, where the junior officers are sent. We push out of Marshall (holding) and going. Through 5000’ (what we called platform altitude) my pilot says “Pugs I have the leans” I reply, “yea, so do I Curly”. The issue was we had them in different directions and we realized it...
  3. Pugs

    The death of an insitution

    Patrick McManus and Grogan's war surplus lives :D
  4. Pugs

    Apple blows chunks

    At the same time, it's why all their SW works across all their platforms. I did a lot of work on various versions of Linux and Windows over the years for one of those three lettered agencies (not the TVA) :p and there's a reason I've been an Apple fan-boy since 1987. I just don't have to screw...
  5. Pugs

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    Likely a guy in ECMO 3 seat, the left rear, there are some things that need done back there in certain emergencies so you had to have someone in back unless you were staying the pattern like FCLPs ( field carrier landing practice) you had to someone there.
  6. Pugs

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    Clean wing - Must be coming home from a Profile A post maintenance test flight.
  7. Pugs

    [NA] Thinking about replacing windows in house

    Mathews Brothers is what we used in our new house. It's only been a year but zero problems.
  8. Pugs

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    They never do regardless of PoA or any other group I'm a member of. I made a fly-in lunch to Williamsburg VA but I suppose I should see if something could be set up in New England now the snow is almost gone. ;)
  9. Pugs

    [NA] Thinking about replacing windows in house

    It's now basically $1K a hole for a quality vinyl window installed. Having just built a house, windows are one of those things inflation hit way out of proportion to reality but what are going to do?
  10. Pugs

    The amazing cryogenic JPI EDM 930

    You skipped pulling tubes and going down to the drug store to use the tube tester :D
  11. Pugs

    Post aircraft pictures you took

    Our (non) bent wing Archer in front of Bent Wing aviation Fernandina Beach FL last week. At least the outer panels are close!
  12. Pugs

    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    To be clear, I wasn't doubting you just expressing amazement at the lack of safety protocol standardization.
  13. Pugs

    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    For what conceivable reason would a dummy round have a primer? If you needed to do a shot showing a round from the rear (kind of unlikely) but then I'd say empty brass with a primer in it. I've reloaded 10s of thousands of rifle and pistol cartridges in my life and these just seem like...
  14. Pugs

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Yep, down the tubes.
  15. Pugs

    Getting share price down for flying clubs

    And why it dissolved. I was in a club that had a fatal mishap and when they bought a new plane they dissolved the old club and started one fresh. The insurance money funded the new plane.
  16. Pugs

    Getting share price down for flying clubs

    The transition from the original members who bought the plane to new members coming in is tough if the original members up significant cash to do so. Still, I think that I would from ground zero establish what the buy-out is and original members accept they're not to going be made whole if they...
  17. Pugs

    Contacting current (female) owner of my former airplane - wanting to avoid any perception of "cyberstalking"

    It’s a sad world where we’ve made cases of stalking so common that we have to consider even innocent acts like writing a letter to share a planes history has to consider such permutations.
  18. Pugs

    Fact or Fiction: FAA Continues to Remove Barriers/Reduce Stigma for Mental Illness in Pilots

    Agreed,it’s going to take a combination of a company that understands the value of an existing employee, along with their union, to find a place for the person to work and add value until they can get past this issue. If they can’t get past the issue then it becomes a medical retirement...
  19. Pugs

    Fact or Fiction: FAA Continues to Remove Barriers/Reduce Stigma for Mental Illness in Pilots

    Yet he did. He jumped the hoops, hid the condition and committed mass murder. There are more commercial pilots out there with the same conditions dealing with it however they do. Creating a process to come forward and not destroy their life seems the right thing to do.
  20. Pugs

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Towering punsters here