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    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    The things that bother you now will be amplified by orders of magnitude after you are married.
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    oil viscosity recommendation

    Phillips W100 is not semi-synthetic. None of the Phillips products are semi-synthetic. Phillips Type A 100AD or Victory 100AW are single-grade options in the Phillips lineup.
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    Fatal discovery flight during takeoff at North Perry 8/4/23 "According to credible witnesses, it commenced the takeoff role. It took off, then went to a very high angle of attack, crested angle of...
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    FLL to EYW

    This is my home area. They’re never going to clear you IFR all the way down the shoreline. Direct to MAYNR pretty much parallels the VFR transition route which tells you that there’s a preference to vector you over KMIA rather than risk conflict with the inbound traffic coming from over the...
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    FLL to EYW

    Just start down the coast at 1,200ft to give yourself a nice margin underneath the Bravo and then continue along the keys. It would be a shame to not enjoy the views along the way.
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    Fatal: walked into prop

    Come on.
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    Stratus or Garmin GDL?

    Look for a setting on Foreflight/Devices or the Stratus app that enables auto shutdown. I am pretty sure that I remember seeing it in one of the two on my Stratus 3.
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    Stratus or Garmin GDL?

    Just in case, I just want to mention you can check the Strarus battery status via the Devices section in Foreflight.
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    Stratus or Garmin GDL?

    I have a Garmin 175 and a Stratus 3. You can use both simultaneously, the GPS 175 pairing via Bluetooth and the Stratus 3 connecting via Wi-Fi. You can push your Foreflight flight plan to the GPS175, and in reverse fashion any changes made to the flight plan on the GPS will be seen by...
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    Will FlyQ ever have procedures routing on the flightplan?

    On my 175, I do find value in being able to send a multi-waypoint flight plan from an app to the GPS (clearly more efficient than having to input multiple characters directly on the GPS), but what is the advantage of sending a procedure via an app compared to using the procedures button?
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    MOS - Garmin Pilot versus Foreflight Discrepancy?

    @Hang 4 We are pretty much on the same page regarding the models. For the less than 24-hour period, I like the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model. I checked out and the app this weekend for the first time. It is very nice, but see what you think about the following links...
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    Want To Buy KLN94 data card

    PM me. I can help you out
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    MOS - Garmin Pilot versus Foreflight Discrepancy?

    For anyone interested in this topic, this is what I concluded after finding and trying to match the source data to each app. Foreflight seems to align with the output from GFS short MAV bulletin. Garmin Pilot seems to align with the LAMP output in the short run and then transitions over to the...
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    MOS - Garmin Pilot versus Foreflight Discrepancy?

    @Hang 4 The discrepancy I am trying to show is Garmin Pilot versus Foreflight. I included two pairs of Garmin Pilot so that one could see the time range represented in each Foreflight screenshot, as the time ranges in each app did not line up perfectly. For the overlapping ranges of time, the...
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    MOS - Garmin Pilot versus Foreflight Discrepancy?

    In looking this up, it seems that this term involves ADSB data. Have you observed issues with MOS? I have confirmed I am looking at the most recent run on Garmin Pilot, or at least the app seems to think it’s the last run as per the time stamp at the bottom of the screen. Digging a bit deeper...
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    MOS - Garmin Pilot versus Foreflight Discrepancy?

    As I was trying out GP, I observed the following discrepancies between the MOS information displayed by each app. Foreflight paints a picture of severe weather (thunderstorms and cumulonimbus), while Garmin Pilot reports a low chance of precip. I also notice that the wind and cloud information...
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    Recommendations for wash & wax near NY?

    I asked this very question to the manufacturer of Aeroglaze and Polyglide several years ago. They said there is no point to adding Polyglide over Aeroglaze. They market Polyglide to those that wet wash.
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    PA28R-200 MP/RPM/CHT/%HP etc what is right? IO360C

    1) You want to look up “lugging” the engine. I went through this question during my first few years of aircraft ownership. You can run the engine at whatever power settings is allowed by the POH, including the higher MP/lower RPM combination, all things being equal. However, one thing I notice...
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    Next word that comes to mind...

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    Anyone switch foreflight <==> FlyQ?

    I’ve been using ForeFlight for 2 years for both VFR and IFR. Before that, I had been using FlyQ since 2012 (with 5 year flying hiatus in there). I have similar total time in both apps. As with most things, each product has its own strengths and weaknesses, and I don’t think either one is the...