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  1. DFH65

    New device increases safety for general aviation pilots

    I look out the window and if there aren't leaves obscuring the wheels I know I am still OK. ;)
  2. DFH65

    Flying with retired pilots

    Troll thread? I had 20+ years off took about 7 hours to get back to flying solo. The first thee hours I was wondering why it wasn't clicking. Then all of sudden it did and I was back. That was over 10 years ago haven't looked back. 7X50= $350 I think that is probably worth the price even...
  3. DFH65

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    My instructor used to say, "It is too rough to fly dual but you can fly solo if you want." :biggrin: I don't like flying when it is super gusty or bumpy, I do from time to time, but it just isn't enjoyable and I fly for fun. I don't ever take passengers except my wife (she doesn't seem to...
  4. DFH65

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    My only complaint is the pocket clip is bigger than it needs to be. I may just take mine off I don't use it anyway.
  5. DFH65

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    This is my EDC. Buck Ranger Slim Select. Weighs 2.5oz. Plenty sharp. Made in USA. Buck lifetime warranty. Cost under $40 (I paid $29 for mine) so if you lose it, it isn't the end of the world.
  6. DFH65

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I will let you in on a little secret. Not only do I almost always carry a knife. I look down on you if you don't.
  7. DFH65

    Return to flying after heart attack?

    Did you drive a car to the cardiologist? Did he say whether you could drive or not? Just asking. :stirpot: My plan is the same as yours. Fly basic med until I can't. Then fly LSA until I can't or possibly shouldn't any more. Mosaic will make the LSA part more comfortable. Also want to say...
  8. DFH65

    Transporting an o-300 FWF

    Coming off a flying airplane that is being parted out due to corrosion and going on an airplane that was flying had a hanger door hit the spinner and prop during a wind storm but is otherwise OK.
  9. DFH65

    Transporting an o-300 FWF

    We bought an engine to replace the one on our '57 172. I am on the east coast the engine is in Colorado. I am planning to drive out there to get it (my daughter lives there). We purchased the FWF from this airplane. What is the best way to transport this? My truck currently has a cap on it...
  10. DFH65

    My Glider Club Impressions...

    Meh, after people see me fly they ask all sorts of questions like that. :yes::biggrin: I wasn't there so accessing someone's tone or intent is impossible with typed word. You were there and you obviously didn't like it. The beauty in life is you get to choose what offends you or not...
  11. DFH65

    My Glider Club Impressions...

    My football coach would call this rabbit ears. What he meant by that is looking for criticism or in this case racism where it really doesn't exist. Reading too much into people's comments because you are making assumptions about their intent. I don't have your life experience but I see no...
  12. DFH65

    April solar eclipse

    We drove 2.5 hours one way to get to open skies even though our house was in the path of totality. Totality was amazing and humbling. God's creation is awesome. I could clearly see the small red coronal ejection shown in the photo above (except it was on the left with the unaided eye not...
  13. DFH65

    Is this legal???

    Was he even PIC? Who knows.
  14. DFH65

    Low hour pilot

    Survey jobs(aerial imagery). Better known as mowing the lawn. Friend did it. It is boring work flying grids but he essentially did it for around 2 years and then went to the airlines never did the CFI thing. Started in a 172 then moved to a twin.
  15. DFH65

    Mark Baker to step down at AOPA

    Maybe he sees what is happening with Wayne LaPierre over at the NRA and doesn't want to be next. :oops:
  16. DFH65

    Revoked license.

    Do you perhaps turn off your ADSB and fly under a bridge. It has been known to happen.
  17. DFH65

    Color blind or not?

    When we have our VFD physicals they have a box full of paper strips and ask you to pull out green, then red, then yellow. There was on plate I struggled with on the AME test but eventually got it in more natural light.
  18. DFH65

    Supreme Court: Chevron Deference

    The ATF and EPA are the poster children for the need for getting rid of Chevron. The issue with Chevron is it concentrates power in the executive and takes it away from the legislative.
  19. DFH65

    the EKG

    That guy is an idiot. MY PCP does a more thorough physical than any AME I have ever been to. I get EKGs at every physical and blood work. Since being on Basic Med I feel like I can go to and talk to Dr.s without fear. In the long run I think it is going to save lives.