Search results

  1. Skip Miller

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I think the decline of those who carry these knives is partially related to the decline in the number of those who can use any tool effectively. Maybe related to the decline of Jr. and High School Shop Classes. My daughter, then about 16 years old, got a flat tire while on a double date...
  2. Skip Miller

    172/Cherokee gotchas

    If you are ever leaning toward a Cardinal, you should pay up for a wing-spar inspection. They are subject to corrosion and are made of unobtanium. I like the cardinal, but it has the spar as its Achilles heel, sadly. -Skip
  3. Skip Miller

    Complex/High Performance aircraft questions

    Ok, what is an equivalent hp?
  4. Skip Miller

    No delay

    If you taxied faster than a brisk walk you'd leave your wing-walkers Steering Gear and Brakes behind. Those wing walkers were not just out for a constitutional. They had a purpose.
  5. Skip Miller

    Multi State Avionics Thief Arrested

    The link doesn"t go anywhere for me....
  6. Skip Miller

    T-Hangar neighbor. WWYD?

    Contact the school’s Chief Pilot and tell them you are seeing lots of bird activity in and around the hangar, and ask him politely to tell his CFIs to train the students that proper protocol is to shut the doors after moving a plane in and out of the hangars. I.e., start nice. Then you keep a...
  7. Skip Miller

    April fools jokes to do on flight instructor

    Doesn’t work in PA28’s.
  8. Skip Miller

    What a zoo!

    I used to reply “nobody in the pattern except us NORDOs!” -Skip
  9. Skip Miller

    NA: dog ownership + lawn care

    Also helps the tick population. The state adjacent to us is the home of Lyme disease -Skip
  10. Skip Miller

    NA: dog ownership + lawn care

    Also helps the tick population. The state adjacent to us is the home of Lyme disease -Skip
  11. Skip Miller

    Cessna down after stalling on take off

    More likely he stepped back to look at it, spit on the ground, and hollered: “That looks about right! Hop in, let’s go!” -Skip
  12. Skip Miller

    RSV vaccine

    I had the RSV shot months ago, as an overweight adult male age 77 at the time. I had a reaction - just a slightly sore arm - for a day or so. So as a statistical insignificant n=1, I see no downside to getting the shot. Same with Covid shots as they became available. What “Covid debacle” are...
  13. Skip Miller

    What's For Dinner?

    Youngsters! When I grew up, there was no such thing as Cable TV. We had three channels with decent reception: ABC, CBS, and NBC. No color TV, either, until I was about 12. It was not that we couldn't afford it... it didn't exist yet! Oh the horror of the 1950s! -Skip
  14. Skip Miller

    How anti GA is the main stream media?

    Not since Hurricane Ian inundated and flattened large parts of Fort Myers Beach last year. My brother and his wife lost their home, its contents, and one of their cars. -Skip
  15. Skip Miller


    Greg, I have Hydrocephalus. It was discovered when a sinus X-ray, maybe MRI, showed a section of my brain not intended to be imaged. I called my uncle (a very prominent neurosurgeon at U Washington) and he referred me to one of his students. The result was that they measured the brain with...
  16. Skip Miller

    Connecticut flying clubs

    Check out the Westchester Flying Club, based at Westchester County Airport (KHPN). Yes it is in New York State, but it is on the state border with New York State, so very close if you are in southwest Connecticut. they own Archers, Arrows, Bonanzas, Cirrus. -Skip Miller, a...
  17. Skip Miller

    Finding Downwind Struggle/Sweat

    OP = Original Poster.
  18. Skip Miller

    MachE Loaner Review

    But is it grey or does it have a blue-ish tint to it? -Skip
  19. Skip Miller

    And you thought you knew about flying (wildlife)

    In spite of all the wing fluttering, look at how stable the head is!