Search results

  1. Corpsmaide

    Brunswick ailes

    Nice. Thank you. If you're heading out there anytime I'd like to come and meet folks
  2. Corpsmaide

    Brunswick ailes

    Cool so you're outta dere. What instructors do we have here. Manning has none. PM if ya like
  3. Corpsmaide

    Brunswick ailes

    Anyone in the area of Brunswick Ga?
  4. Corpsmaide

    Cirrus landed successfully

    Couldn't testify in court that the plane actually landed from the picture provided.
  5. Corpsmaide

    Anybody want to buy a nice 310?

    Could you give it to me as a gift? Figured I'd ask
  6. Corpsmaide


    I hear the tubgirl is better
  7. Corpsmaide

    A conversation using nothing but song lyrics

    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
  8. Corpsmaide

    My gpa earned me a spot in my college's honor society today.

    Congrats...keep that behavioral momentum and graduate Summa Cum Laude just like I did on 12/13/14. :yes:
  9. Corpsmaide

    C 130 tank drop / cg shift?

    I remember the loadmaster making us scuttle butt to the front. Weird way to do things but it worked I guess
  10. Corpsmaide

    C 130 tank drop / cg shift?

    The remaining passengers all jump at the same time the load is dumped. The loadmaster coordinates this. This is how they did it at moody
  11. Corpsmaide

    Amateur Historians: Identify this plane, please

    It's definitely the Wright flyer. My first guess. My second...Air
  12. Corpsmaide

    Need ideas on mounting this tablet in the airplane

    Gross. I bet this will be added in The dsm-6
  13. Corpsmaide

    Next word that comes to mind...

  14. Corpsmaide

    Not all attorneys are created equal

    Was your friend charged? Why lawyer up
  15. Corpsmaide

    Next word that comes to mind...

  16. Corpsmaide

    You know you love Aviation when...

    Gohackme fund, donthackme fund
  17. Corpsmaide

    Student Pilot requesting advice.

    Go eagles.
  18. Corpsmaide

    What he heck is going on with Texas weather?

    Global warming...they say the sun is working extra hard
  19. Corpsmaide

    Basic flying facts you feel you should know...

    What's a yoke. And...what's lift
  20. Corpsmaide

    RV-4 Down SE Nebraska, 2 Close Friends Dead

    Blessings to the family, friends, and loved ones. RIP