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  1. airguy

    New TFR, why?

    Anybody know the reason behind this sudden TFR appearance?
  2. airguy

    172R fuel totalizer STC?

    I want to add an accurate fuel-flow and totalizer to a 172R. Can anyone point me to a good STC source for that?
  3. airguy

    Aircraft ID assistance?

    First off - let me say I've never been, so I don't have any real idea what the traffic flow is really like on the VFR arrivals. I've heard some horror stories and some fairy tale stories, and everything in between. I know that ATC will be trying to ID airplanes as they come in by color/type...
  4. airguy

    Throttle control arm

    On my experimental build, I've got an IO360 with Bendix injection, Superior cold-air forward facing induction sump and a crossover exhaust. The throttle body throttle control arm has a 1" offset to the right from the connection point and this will interfere with my exhaust when it's pulled back...
  5. airguy

    Piper really stuck their foot in it now... Thielerts 2.0s diesel, with 1200-hour TBR and new gearboxes every 600 hours. My guess is they'll sell about 4 of them.
  6. airguy

    Textron buys Beech Well that's fabulous - narrow the playing field a bit, get rid of some competition...
  7. airguy

    high altitude training?

    Hey doc - are there still places available that offer high altitude hypoxia training for John Q. Public? I'm getting close to finishing my RV and it's quite capable of getting me up there into never-never land if I'm not careful. I'd like to know what to expect, I understand symptoms are highly...
  8. airguy

    Rules? We don't need no stinkin' rules!
  9. airguy

    oil sump fingerscreen needed

    I need a fingerscreen and plug for the oil sump on my IO360, it's a Superior forward facing cold-induction sump but it uses the standard Lycoming fingerscreen and plug - I just can't find one handy. Anybody happen to know those part numbers and a location to order one? Thanks,
  10. airguy

    Driver Karma...

    So first, a little background. I live in a rural area and commute 35 miles each way into the city for work, half of that is 2-lane state highway that is now in the process of being upgraded to 4-lane so there is active work going on. The traffic is crazy-heavy out here with all the oilfield...
  11. airguy

    ATC-directed speeds

    First - I'm not an IFR pilot (though I do intend to start very soon) and I don't fly anything with enough power to get this direction from ATC. Saturday I was flying between KSJT and KMAF and heard Ft. Worth Center direct an airliner descending into Midland to "reduce speed to 280 knots". It...
  12. airguy

    More bad reporting Thankfully not of an aircraft crash this time, but another example of people who talk about things they don't know anything about and still involves aircraft. Scroll down a bit on the front page and you'll see a photo of northern lights taken from a commercial jet...
  13. airguy

    CAF plane down

    Speaking of bad reporting (from a previous thread) - check out this piece of media spin. The SkyWest airport the plane landed at is 7T7, about 25 miles from his destination MAF, after coming from San Marcos. The story...
  14. airguy

    CNG vehicles

    Throwing some bait into the water for opinions on this one, experience with different brands/systems etc. My position - I live in a rural area and commute to the city daily for work, about 90 miles roundtrip each day plus any running around for errands. I drive past a CNG fueling station twice...
  15. airguy

    High tolerance for alcohol Wow - I don't think anything is going to help this guy... Tested at 0.27 two and a half hours after landing. :yikes: What is the FAA's view on this kind of high-tolerance? To be...
  16. airguy

    ME-262 crash today

    Anybody have any input on this? I'm thinking likely a CAF bird since they are based there, didn't know we had one here though...
  17. airguy

    T6 down, pilot OK Lost engine power, put it down on the highway, had to go offroad to avoid an oilfield truck. Pilot's OK, looks like the airplane will likely fly again after a sufficient cash infusion. This happened...
  18. airguy

    WTB: vacuum pump drive gear

    I need to get a serviceable P/N 72970 vacuum pump drive gear for a 4-cylinder Lycoming. I have a P/N 72974 gear (for the 6-cylinder Lyc) in trade if you need one. The rebuild shop (from back in 2005, can't really go after them at this point) put the wrong gear in the engine for the previous...
  19. airguy

    vacuum pump drive gear dimensions?

    I'm building up my IO360M1B for my experimental RV9A, and I suspect I have the incorrect vacuum pump drive gear installed on the engine. I've been told that the 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder lycomings have different vacuum pump drive gears and they are largely interchangeable but do have some...
  20. airguy

    airplane wash/wax?

    Best of intentions, and all that noise.... My 172 is horribly dirty and my schedule is packed and does not show any signs of lightening up. Local FBO quoted me $300 for a wash and wax - that seems awfully steep to me. Any other suggestions? I'm based just east of Midland, TX.