Search results

  1. pmanton

    Ercoupe crash & burn
  2. pmanton

  3. pmanton

    Epley field Not much left
  4. pmanton

    C-177B flap AD.

    I'm looking at an entry that satisfies AD-72-03-03 R3 with AK-177-18A. Looking it up all I can get is AK-47 info. Does anyone have any info on AK-177-18A? Thanks.
  5. pmanton

    Plane crash on FL freeway
  6. pmanton

    Rotor heads you're out of a job.
  7. pmanton

  8. pmanton

    Tri-Pacer fuel question.

    Does anyone have a fuel dip-stick for the 18 gallon tri-pacer fuel tanks? I had one flown in here for an annual. I dipped the tanks and found the right tank bone dry and 1-1/2 inches of fuel in the left tank. :eek: I'm curious how many gallons are in that 1-1/2 inches of fuel. The nearest public...
  9. pmanton

    Latest Moderna vaccine ?

    Has anyone gotten the latest Moderna shot? We got ours 3 days ago. Yesterday I was sicker than a dog. Wife not so much. I wonder if this is usual. I don't remember any reaction from the earlier shots.
  10. pmanton

    Apple watch EKG

    A pal of mine with a new Apple Watch had this show up when he looked at the EKG feature. He's in his mid 80s on BasicMed. Is this anything he should report? He feels fine. He doesn't do much on the computer. Thanks.
  11. pmanton

    Another plane VS house,
  12. pmanton

    Plane VS house in NM
  13. pmanton

    Bah Humbug.

    I did my first wrenching on airplanes in 1954 when I was a lineboy earning flight time. I learned to change tires, spark plugs, time mags and such under the watchful eyes of some old time mechanics. I am now 85 and in all that time I have never dropped a spark plug. *&&%%$^^%^!! Until just now...
  14. pmanton

    Age ???

    How many of you are still flying in your 80's? I just hit 85 and I think I might be done. Simple things like airing up the tires is now a major pain. (Yes I know about Leak Guard--they still leak a bit) Doing the annual is a real turn off. (I'm an A&P IA) My reactions sure ain't what they...
  15. pmanton

    Another one down.
  16. pmanton

    Ain't the FAA great

    This March the thousands of IAs out there have to renew their inspection authorization. So wouldn't this be a good time to take IACRA down for maintenance?? :D
  17. pmanton

    Airpark insurance with USAA ?

    Is anyone insuring their airpark properties with USAA? If so how are your hangars covered. Thanks.
  18. pmanton


    How many of you are still flying in your 80's? I'll be 85 in a few weeks. My insurance will kill me. I really have a tough time just airing up my tires. ( I have leak stop tubes but they're not perfect.) I need my wife's help to get it back in the hanger and she's almost 83. I just renewed my IA...
  19. pmanton

    Goat or Hero?

    I happened upon some photos which brought me back to 2007. We were living in Tacoma WA. A second Tacoma Narrows Bridge had been built to alleviate horrible traffic problems. The first day of opening was for the people. The bridge was going to be a huge open house for everyone to walk the...
  20. pmanton

    Thanksgiving sadness