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  1. PilotMedic865

    IFR in a different category question

    Okay, let's say hypothetically, someone has an ATP and instrument rating in helicopters, but only private pilot privileges in single engine land. Let's say the weather turns bad unexpectedly on this person while they are flying a PA28, and they encounter inadvertent IMC. The aircraft is IFR...
  2. PilotMedic865

    Part 141, from 61.

    I completed my private pilot part 61 back on Oklahoma. Since moving I’ve joined an Air Force Aero Club who offers a part 141 instrument course for $5100 in a Piper Warrior 3, or $6300 in a Turbo Arrow. I’m going to do it and use my Post-911 gi bill to pay for it. As someone who came up under 61...
  3. PilotMedic865

    Garmin inReach vs Spot X

    I'm starting my IFR and commercial training, and with that means a lot more cross country flying. I'm looking at a GPS tracker in the unlikely event that I need to go down in an area with no cell phone either voluntarily or involuntary. I've been looking at the two big brands and was seeing if...
  4. PilotMedic865

    Question for A&Ps

    So guys, here’s the back story. Currently an aircraft mechanic as a civilian for the Air Force. Was a hydraulics guy in the army and the reenlisted into the Air Force Reserve as a crew chief before getting this job. I love it, and I’m not required to have A&P to do it. All my tools are...
  5. PilotMedic865

    Cessna 172P POH PDF

    Does anyone have a general PDF copy of a 172P POH? I know I can’t use it for flying, but having a general reference for some stuff like V Speeds and fuel burn would be helpful when I’m not around the hangar. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. PilotMedic865

    PPL Checkride prep

    Other than the Oral Exam guide, and the Far/Aim, what do you guys recommend for checkride prep? My CFI says I know my info and will be fine. But I find myself second guessing on a lot of stuff. Testing never has been my strong suit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. PilotMedic865

    Thank god for Bose

    Found out the A20 with my issued low impedance mic does not work well with a GA adapter, as it causes an unbearable humming noise, especially at night with the lights on. So, rather than buy another headset I bought the GA cord from Bose for the same price and 5 minutes later my problems are...
  8. PilotMedic865

    A&P student tool deals?

    So, since I have the time with work and some extra GI bill money to spend I’m looking at starting A&P school in September to supplement my pilot’s license. I was given a mandatory tool list and was seeing if anyone had any recommendations on good student tool deals? I know all the big truck...
  9. PilotMedic865

    iPad predicament

    So, I have an iPad Pro 11 that I have a data plan on that I use for everyday tasks. I also use ForeFlight on it and set it on my knee. I also will occasionally run ForeFlight on my iPhone XR when I forget the iPad. I am mostly using it for the audio traffic alerts, and back up navigation for...
  10. PilotMedic865

    Negotiating rental prices for time building

    Has anyone has had any luck with negotiating with flight schools on rates for rentals? My CFI made mention that he negotiated a half price rate on aircraft rental by building hours at night. The aircraft were sitting there not making any money at night and he convinced them that charging...
  11. PilotMedic865

    Bose A20 issue

    Hello. I have an A20 headset that has a U174 plug that I’ve been using a GA adapter for. While I’ve had to issues with it at all while flying, when one the ground, I can hear comm 2 very faintly in my headset. I keep AWOS dialed in on comm 2, and when taxiing out I hear it very faintly. Is this...
  12. PilotMedic865


    Can’t seem to find a whole lot of Pireps on Aerovie. Anyone here using it? How to you like it? How does it compare to other EFBs? It seems too new and not a lot of info on it, but has a lot of the same features of FF for $70/year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. PilotMedic865

    Night flying

    So I’ve come to the end of my private pilot training where I’m doing my night time and last bit of cross country time. Up until now all of my training has been in day light hours. How different is night flying and what challenges do I face? What tips do you guys have? Thanks! Sent from my...