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  1. Coloradokevin

    Share your favorite aviation picture(s) from this month!

    December always seems to be a slow time for me in aviation... I fly recreationally these days, and winter weather coupled with the holiday season always seems to slow my roll a little bit. So, I thought it would be fun to see some recent aviation pictures that any of you have taken. These...
  2. Coloradokevin

    Little planes over big water… would you do it?

    I'm just curious about where you all stand on your opinions about water crossings in small airplanes. I stumbled onto a thread of this type on another aviation forum recently, and was surprised to see how many people were 100% against crossing the great lakes in a single engine aircraft. I'll...
  3. Coloradokevin

    Crash near Palmer Lake, CO

    Just talked to a friend who was in the area and saw the aftermath of this crash. Still very little known about the incident on the news. I hate to speculate, but any of you other Colorado folks can also attest to the fact that the weather in the Front Range was FAR from ideal for flying...
  4. Coloradokevin

    Instrument Proficiency Check for someone LONG out of currency?

    So, the last instrument approach I flew was on 08/28/2002. Needless to say, I'm a bit out of date. I only recently returned to recreational airplane flying after a long break, but I've been thinking of doing some home study in preparation for an IPC that I'll probably do sometime this year...
  5. Coloradokevin

    Eating a Soup Sandwich

    Eating a Soup Sandwich (AKA: Flying poorly) Ever enjoy one of those famous Soup Sandwiches of the aviation world? I'm sure we all have, but sometimes they just seem to come out of nowhere! Like so many of us who pilot light single engine aircraft, my flying has been limited due to nasty...