Search results

  1. Bones

    Fixed Wing Add On

    I have a buddy that has all of his rotary wing certificates and ratings up to his CFII. He is wanting to add on as many Fixed Wing Certs and ratings as well. Does anyone know what will transfer and what won't, is it to proficency or is there a set number of hours? I know its in Part 61 but...
  2. Bones

    The Masters / Augusta 2006 Some Pics

    Thought some folks might like to see the ramp at Augusta Bush Field on Sunday afternoon after the 2006 Masters Golf Tournment. Also put in some pics of a 74 going overhead of us...ATC wouldn't lets us climb...made for some good pics.
  3. Bones

    Tail Wheel Do I Need To By Some Ballet Shoes?

    Was speaking with someone the other day about tail-wheel airplanes and the complexities of how to teach in them. And it got me to thinking and asking myself some questions and searching for some answers. So I wanted to ask everyone a couple of questions on the subject. WHAT DO YOU ALL...
  4. Bones

    Old School E6B OR Get with the Times; How should a Student Learn?

    I was discussing the other day with somone or another about whether private students should learn with old whiz-wheel style E6Bs or the new electronic flight computers/calculator style. My position was I wanted my students to see the relationships, conversions, that can be learned on the Whiz...
  5. Bones

    Safety...Hipocrit to Aviation?

    Heres a topic thats been floating around in my head a bit. SAFETY Is Safety a hipocrit to aviaiton? How many different ideas of safety does each pilot have? Who's is correct? Does anyone debrief themselves on the safety of the flight they just conducted and how they might have done...
  6. Bones

    Holy Smokes That Was FUN!!!!

    I did something tonight I haven't gotten to do much of over the last few years. Its funny how roles reverse with time and when you come back to your roots how it can put the biggest smile on your face and remind you of the passion that got you started in aviation. I flew a 172 tonight! What...
  7. Bones

    Learning to Trim, and I don't mean fat.

    I'm curious. I know of a student that is having a hec of a time maintaining Straight and Level; in my opinion one of he most basic and important building blocks of aviating. From watching him from the back seat on one of his lessons I began to wonder if he understood the triming for level...
  8. Bones

    Recent Lear Trip Pictures

    Here are some pics some of you might enjoy. I recently had a long trip: JQF/SLN/GJT/OAK/CYS/STP/JQF 1-BaseFinal17@SLN.JPG This is base to final turn going into Salina, KS where the global flyer was based on its trip around the world. 2-DNWindclimbout@SLN(2).JPG We got a good climb coming...
  9. Bones

    Your Aviation Education

    I was munching on some chips and salsa the other day with a newly minted CFI buddy of mine, and we were discussing things that we wished our CFIs had taught us or taken a different approach with. Which is the subject of this post: ?-What things do you wish you would have learned better...
  10. Bones

    "Great Southern Air Race"

    Has anyone competed in the Great Southern Air Race? Or any other air race. I recently saw some video of a Caribbean Race that blew my doors off! Looks like a blast! How do you get involved? Do people need co-pilots? Looks like an adventure.
  11. Bones

    How to sell a 707!

    I'm sure you have all seen this but it is always impressive to me. This is the best footage of this video I have seen in a while. Tex Johnston....amazing.
  12. Bones

    William K. Kershner...The CFI

    Has anyone met or ever taken a lesson from Kershner in TN? When I was teaching I used all of his books and just really thought he hung the moon. Would love to take a lesson from him someday.