Search results

  1. midlifeflyer


    I’ve always been curious about this one. There is a Sectional chart symbol for a “unverified” airport. I was into this one years ago (2006). It used to be a fly-in “resort” in the middle of nowhere (the Runaway Inn, Joes, Colorado). The runway was downright nasty, part pavement, part broken...
  2. midlifeflyer


    For those familiar with KROA: I am heading there with a pilot for an out-and-back cross country next week. We won't need to park and refuel. Just pull into a ramp area to talk and reset for the next leg. Any suggestions where to do this other than the Signature ramp?
  3. midlifeflyer

    New ACS May 31, 2024

    Amendments to the FAR making the ACS regulatory go into effect May 24 along with new ACS. I have not reviewed all the changes. Most are expected to be minor, but the new Instrument ACS has the big one many have discussed - the removal of the requirement to use at least one land-based...
  4. midlifeflyer

    IFR out of airports with no IAP

    I'm looking for pilots who file IFR out of airports with no instrument approaches. It's for a possible article on the subject for IFR Magazine and I'm looking for real-world examples. Feel free to message me privately. If you answer here, I'll probably end up contacting you for details Edit...
  5. midlifeflyer

    Got ‘em on the Fish Finder

    We know that when ATC point out traffic, the only response that satisfies them is reporting that we see them visually. But twice now, I’ve had this conversation (no not the location of the traffic) with ATC. Same facility both times. ”Traffic one to two o’clock, 5 miles, 500 feet above.”...
  6. midlifeflyer

    Another First Officer...

    October 18, 2023 California Pilot Indicted for Interfering With a Flight Crew On October 18, 2023, a grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah indicted Jonathan J. Dunn for interfering with the crew of a commercial airline flight. The indictment alleges that, on or about...
  7. midlifeflyer

    Sold FS: Garmin Aera 760

  8. midlifeflyer

    Colorado POA

    I am going to be back in Colorado for a few days next week. I'm planning to fly with a friend for brunch/lunch Saturday, 10/14. We've been thinking of the old standby, Barnstormers but it looks like the place at KPUB is under new (to me, anyway) management and even has an outdoor patio. Any...
  9. midlifeflyer


    Just a shot in the dark. I'm going to be in Philly (Convention Center area) a few days next week. No dinner plans for Tuesday or Wednesday evening if anyone is interested in getting together. I have no car so my travel radius is limited.
  10. midlifeflyer

    Canada VFR Flight Itinerary

    For our Canadian pilots. Is there a widely used templates for a VFR flight itinerary? For those who don't know, Canada rules require either a filed flight plan or an itinerary left with a responsible person for VFR flights. If leaving one with an FBO, I can see just using a regular flight plan...
  11. midlifeflyer

    Northeast Routing

    For those who fly pistons in the northeast corridor... V16 between RIC and JFK (a standard routing) is gone! I came across it while planning a flight next month. And no, it's not a charting or EFB error. It is one of several airway segments which were removed effective yesterday. I'm a bit...
  12. midlifeflyer

    Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia

    We've been wanting to visit. Finally did.
  13. midlifeflyer

    DOT IG on FAA Handling of Mental Health Issues

    The report was an outgrowth of the Germanwings incident where the copilot purposely crashed the airplane killing all 150 on board. Summary: "FAA's ability to mitigate safety risks is limited by pilots' reluctance to disclose mental health conditions. According to FAA and aviation industry...
  14. midlifeflyer

    Non+towered airport departure

    A first for me. I'm no stranger to picking up clearances at nontowered airports. I'm one of those old enough to remember doing a preflight, running to the FBO, calling Flight Service on a pay phone, getting my void time clearance, running back to the airplane, starting up, running up, setting...
  15. midlifeflyer

    Visual Approach

    Over the past few years, I've seen all sorts of confusion over visual approaches. I know it's a topic that gets (almost?) no attention in training, but I'm at a loss to understand the confusion. To me, a visual approach is what a student pilot does (IFR version is less restrictive). Special...
  16. midlifeflyer

    Enterprise FBO Program

    I thought I'd relate a very recent experience - the past few days. But it's not the first time. Enterprise will pick you up. I've used that in the past. It means they will drive to where you are, pick you up, bring you back to their office, and then you'll have your rental. Same for the return...
  17. midlifeflyer

    Duluth TRACON

    Does anyone who flies in that area happen to have an email address for Duluth TRACON? I know I can call but email will make my inquiry a lot easier.
  18. midlifeflyer

    Pik n Pig - a Good Sign

    posted on their Facebook page today
  19. midlifeflyer

    Aircraft Registry Service Update

    I received an email about this this morning. This is a paste from the post I made on one of my Facebook pages: FAA Aircraft Registry update: "The FAA Registry is now offering limited online aircraft registration services here. Individual aircraft owners can complete self-guided aircraft...
  20. midlifeflyer

    "The Clearance"

    I flew to Philadelphia the last week of November. This was from fairly early in the flight but I thought this 4-minute video would be interesting on its own. Kudos to the Washington Center controller for patience and taking the time to spell things out.